[h2][color=39b54a][center]Gabri[color=fff200]ella Go[/color]nzales Re[color=fff200]pulsa L[/color]ibre[/center][/color][/h2] [hr] [@Ruler Inc] Gabriella was reacquainted with the concrete once more. Instead of leaping into the air again, Gabriella stayed grounded, her muscles undulating beneath Phoebe as she sprinted the remaining distance to the robot. [color=39b54a]"Sounds good! Tropica continues to ride. Long legs of robot difficult to outrun alone, I thinks."[/color] Gabby's lips pursed tensely upon the realization she'd forgone the use of the third-person at the end of that sentence. Well, no time to worry about it now. She'd just have to hope Phoebe didn't notice. She came to a stop at the edge of the remnants of the robot's destructive rampage, a clear line visible between the still standing houses of the residential distric and the scattered, crushed remains of buildings that previously stood in the vicinity of the robot. Repulsa Libre looked up, taking in details about the robot's body. It was simple, for the most part. The chances of the whole thing being waterproof looked low, which meant Tropica's idea was all the better. It was facing away from the two of them, its attention instead on the taller buildings of the adjacent commercial district, the ground shaking with each building its large arms crashed through. Repulsa Libre then looked downward. She'd need something to help her get its attention so they could start luring it. She took a couple steps forward, then bent her knees while reaching downward, making sure not to throw Phoebe off her shoulders by bending forward. She rose up again with a mostly-intact brick in her right hand. It fit neatly, so she could grip it well. She gave it a small toss upward and caught it, judging its weight, and how much force she'd need to apply with her quirk to get it where she wanted it. Then, once she was satisfied, she reared back, stretching her arm behind her as she prepared to throw. [color=39b54a]"Are you ready?"[/color] Repulsa asked, not wanting to move too quickly for Phoebe. If either of them were unprepared in any way, their teamwork would fail. As soon as Tropica gave the okay, Repulsa Libre's arm would hurtle forward, and just as she released the brick, she'd activate her quirk, applying extra force and rocketing the brick up to the back of the robot's head.