As the pale-skinned man with dark blue hair opened the door, two things flashed through Blaze's mind. The first was how good-hearted the person that opened the door for him was and the second was how easy it was to open the door himself. It was so trivial, that the simplicity of it made Blaze think he was a complete idiot. Paco burst into laughter. "You have the wisdom...of a dragon, yet...a door...beat you!", he tried to say but his words could not be heard clearly through his laughter. "Like you had any better chance..." Blaze replied annoyed. Once again, he saw the person who helped him on the other side of the door. "There. I think that will help, Blaze" They looked quite alike as species. He first thought of saying hello, since that is the way humans begin conversating, but then he thought that this is not the right action to take, considering the situation. Instead he replied: "Thank you very much mister! You are really kind!" He then remembered that "mister" is a honorific that is usually used on older people. Blaze wandered if they had similar age, since he didn't have an idea how older people look like. He even considered asking him if he could breathe fire, a sign that a dragon reaches adulthood, but he abandoned the thought soon. Then it striked him that he knew both his name and the fact that he could not open the door and needed help. He rushed to ask him but the man had already reached the Atrium. "Hello", the stranger said to three other people. With that, Blaze confirmed that humans, as he assumed that this was their race, use "hello" as a means of interaction. He then examined the other three people that were there. One of them was leaving the Atrium. Since he only knew of males and females by reading books, he only recognised women from their curves, thus mistaking a young woman for a man, since she was lacking in curves, despite the other obvious differences. He decided to follow Xabiz's example and be friendly. "Hello lady, mister...and mister who is leaving!" he said to Evangeline, Ryko and Alice respectively.