Penelope gave a small nod as Crow explained how the king insisted he needed a 'respectable' name. She didn't think his alias was any less respectable than his real name but she did suppose that it'd eventually help with people viewing him as a noble rather than the infamous thief once things began to calm down. As he went on to say that he was getting used to it, she gave a small smile. It was true that his real name had become less of a secret. Especially amongst the knights she hung around. Gavin and Olivia had figured it out by accident and her own father had figured it out when he saw the name written down. She rolled her eyes as Naida nudged her teasingly. "It's fitting." she responded, with a hint of annoyance she glanced over at her friend. The knight shook her head as Naida smirked and turned her head away as she took another bite of her food. Penelope flickered her gaze over to the young servant as he returned with Crow's food. She realized she still didn't really know who he was and figured she might as well introduce herself. After all, they'd likely be seeing each other quite a bit in the future. "So you're his attendant?" she asked after swallowing her bite of food. The boy seemed a bit surprised to be address and nodded his head. Penelope offered him a smile. "I'm Penelope. I worked as his guard for a while so I know he can be quite troublesome. So in other words, good luck." she explained, shooting a teasing glance at Crow.