[center][hr][hr][h1][b][color=9e005d]Constantin Kolev[/color][/b][/h1][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/7abab444934e1f8f30e883bdad0f71a0/tumblr_nrisnnDhEA1rmcs4lo6_500.gif[/img] [hr][b][color=9e005d]Location:[/color][/b] Road to Gretna Green From Port Annan [b][color=9e005d]Skills:[/color][/b] Tretiy Glaz(passive), Fal'shbort(passive)[hr][/center] Constantin just nodded at Vlad as the man burst into his usual antics, but he did approve of the direction his leader was thinking about of dealing with the flying monster thing.[color=9e005d]” Fire... that may vork, maybe ve can put it to the torch...”[/color] He mused at the idea of roasting the flying thing. If it didn't work, well they could simply burn and burn and burn it all away until only dust remained. Yeah he wished they could do it.[color=9e005d]” It do not like our performance, then it simply has a bad taste in skill and entertainment! All that are right in the head love the circus!”[/color] Constantin stated proudly. He was a passionate circus person in the end. He refused to believe anyone would dislike the performances the circus put on! If they didn't like it, they they must have a few things wrong with their noggins. [color=9e005d]“Take your time. We've got a long road ahead.”[/color] Constantin said to Ludwig as the tiny human said he was going to check if he had info on this weird flying monster. Frankly he wasn't sure if the German man will actually have anything written in that book of his, but who actually could say. The man was a bag of surprises and mysteries so far, it wouldn't be surprising if by some actual stroke of luck for them there might be something that Ludwig could reveal about the thing. Ideally though it would stay as far away form them and Veta as possible and they wouldn't ever see it again. Constnatin wasn't that naive as to believe it would be the case though. Still while Ludwig was busy book researching for the information, but was he really reading a book? Constantin had no way of knowing case Ludwig was in the bag of his saddle and the firewalker wasn't going to remove his eyes form the road to try to check what was going on in the bag. For now they had the road pointed out to follow and he followed after Vlad.