[h2][center][color=00aeef]Not really named Silvaka[/color][/center][/h2] [color=C0AE98]"My apologies-jika. This body is just too large-ojika."[/color] That sentence pretty much convinced Takeshi that the reindeer-man at least was also from Earth. combined with the presence of the cowboy this had to be the right group. [color=82ca9d]"Why are you thinking of food and hunting? It's hardly the time for such things, mind our situation."[/color] a new arrival who jumped out from the trees asked. He understood the American's point though they were in a strange forest with no idea of knowing when they would arrive at a settlement of any kind Before he could say anything though a humanoid squirrel showed up and the male elf started talking. Takeshi didn't really have a context for Aloe's titles but he had no doubt they were meant to impressive given the whole dramatic flair he added to his words. When the portal was opened the other elf was the first Earthling to go through but not before calling herself Emperor, making Takeshi wonder if either language they all seemed to speak didn't have a word for empress or if something was else going on. The American questioned the wisdom of not letting the armed person go first. [color=00aeef]"I take it she never even considered it might be dangerous."[/color] Embarrassingly enough Bill had already gone through the portal by the time he responded with the squirrel chasing after him to prevent him from hurting anyone without reason. Before long another another newcomer and the woman with cat ears had also gone through. Not wanting to be the last one through Takeshi made his way to the portal only to be beaten to it by the tree jumper. Shrugging it off he stepped through the portal and too the other side.