Narsi took the hit to the gut with a grimace, but to her credit she was quick enough on her feet to rebalance before the weight of Julian's shove could put her on the floor. She instead found herself several steps back from Julan and still just as angry. She let out another shout as she closed in to try again. This time with a simple jab to occupy Julan's hand before following up with a punch at his chin. Rhazii itched his head. She was fighting smarter than with the axe and shield. [hr] Fendros and Ahnasha's personalities lended themselves easily to arguments. Their stubbornness was as much as source of conflict as it was of admiration between them. This time, however, what Ahnasha saw in Fendros' eyes was the former. He was tired, stressed, and harrowed after such a day. His jaw clenched around his tongue in a display of strained self control. He could have told them all the truth on Ahnasha's behalf but it was not his place to do so. He could have walked away and been just as frustrated as before. When he stood up from the table, he could only manage something in between. "Of all the things you I've seen you afraid of, I never thought you would be scared to do the right thing." He said. There was not even an acknowledgement of any response Ahnasha or the family might have had as he walked around to the stairs up to their room.