Ed couldn't find a proper line of thought, or a coherent one at that, in the sluggish manner his mind processed information. It felt as if his mind was attempting to wade through a sea of thick, viscous liquid just to keep him barely aware of his body's actions. [color=chocolate]'What...what's happening..?'[/color] His own thought echoed throughout his head a number of times before fading. He could feel something hard on his feet and his hands and snout had a slight and throbbing pain. Ed didn't know why his snout and hands hurt. They just did. Something was wrong and he needed to find out what was wrong. Ed's consciousness then attempted to search where the pain came from and why it was happening. But the source refused to be found. This annoyed him greatly. He focused harder as he slowly trudged his way through the figurative sea of thick and viscous liquid until he could feel more and more of his physical senses, but the feeling was limited and dulled. It was not enough. He could feel an invisible force trying it's damnedest to push Ed back into that sea. But he relented against the force with all he had; He could only describe the feeling as pushing against a cart full of cinder blocks uphill in the mud and rain. But after what had felt like countless hours of going against the force, Ed finally managed to regain full control and sense of his body after pushing back the madness...but he could still feel it gnawing at the back of his mind. Just waiting for him to make a mistake. [color=chocolate]'System, deactivate [b][Rabid Fit I][/b] now!'[/color] [quote=System:Ed] Skill: [b][Rabid Fit I][/b] Deactivated... Stamina is no longer being drained. [/quote] Ed lurched forward as he breathed haggardly. His eyes were bloodshot and his ears rang incessantly. From what he could remember it had been at least thirty seconds since his outburst, but to him it might as well have been an eternity. His gaze wandered to his blood soaked and gore caked hands and he noticed that he had numerous cuts and from what similar pain he could feel on his snout, he could deduce that his snout had similar lacerations. Beneath him was an excessively brutalized giant ant. [color=chocolate]'Ah, shit not again...'[/color] Ed knew what happened. It had been like that incident with the free-for-all on his first day. He let the animalistic side of him gain the upper hand while he berserked. He heard Asteria calmly ask him what had happened. [color=chocolate]"I know. I messed up. I thought I could keep in control but...yeah. I made a mistake and fucked up big time."[/color] Ed admitted his fault. But feeling sorry for it does not make it right, he needed to be better. Ed then heard Mother Rat squeak at the hole where the ant had emerged. Ants used pheromones to communicate with each other. Even at moment death it would release a distress pheromone to alert other ants. That's why that if you kill one ant, it's buddies are bound to be coming soon after. Ed was about to alert but she already had the idea that more would coming their way in what scant minutes they had. [color=chocolate]"Yeah, we better go before any others come out of the ground."[/color] Ed then got off the dead ant and looked for the gnarled stick he had dropped in his crazed state. Once he had found the stick, he would keep it held in his mouth before going back to the ant corpse and carry it over his shoulders as one would a goat. Once secure on his shoulders, Ed would follow Asteria's lead and keep heading southward. [hider=Stats] LVL: 5 HP: [color=yellow]Injured[/color] SP: [color=yellow]Winded[/color] MP: [color=yellowgreen]Almost Full[/color] Effect/s: [b]SKILLS:[/b] Unspent Skill Points: [color=red]12[/color] Current Skills: Beast Sense II (2.4) Rabid Fit I (1.2) Stronger I (1.05) [color=green](PASSIVE)[/color] Muffle II (2.0) [color=green](PASSIVE)[/color] Use Light Equipment (--) __________________________________ SKILL PROGRESS: Material Analysis (0.2) Magic Analysis (0.6) Monster Analysis (0.6) Faster (0.4) Warcry (0.1) Alert (0.3) Dexterous (0.8) Tremor Sense (0.025) Mental Resistance (0.9) Telepathy (0.075) Mana Shape (0.6) Focus (0.6) Shield (0.5) Mana Shell (0.3) [b]Inventory:[/b] - Vine Belt (Shoddy Quality) - Healing Herbs x 4 - Bundle of Sticks - Flame touched crystals x 2 - Tainted Crystal x 1 - Gnarled Stick (Unknown Quality) [/hider] [hider=Action Summary] -Ed's consciousness regained full control after much hardship. -Deactivates [b][Rabid Fit I][/b], realizes his fuck up and admits his failures. -Looks for gnarled stick and holds it in his mouth like before. -Carries the ant corpse on his shoulders like one would a goat. -Follows Asteria's lead southward. [/hider]