I don't typically post WIP CSs, but I will be away for a day and a half and I wanted to show my interest. About Angaria, do they age normally? I didn't know what to place so I went with the overall age range I am imagining. [hider=Jaranda, Tree Angaria] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/sCjSR3W.png[/img][/center] [hr] [img]https://i.imgur.com/7YNAZfZl.jpg[/img] [hr] [color=E1A509][u][b]Nickname[/b][/u] [/color] Tisone [color=E1A509][u][b]Age[/b][/u] [/color] She doesn't quite remember when she was born, but it has been twenty springs since she left her original family. [color=E1A509][u][b]Gender[/b][/u] [/color] Female [color=E1A509][u][b]Sexuality[/b][/u] [/color] Uninterested, she has no desire of reproducing right now, and romance is alien to her. [color=E1A509][u][b]Race[/b][/u] Angaria [/color] [hr] [img]https://i.imgur.com/0LoYMsAl.jpg[/img] [hr] [color=E1A509][u][b]Background[/b][/u][/color] Jaranda was for most of her life a typical angaria, born as a tree-kind, she grew tall and lonely. Even though she was born to a clonal colony who dwelled in the deepest wood, she preferred to move away, to the frontiers of forests, walking along weed and flower angaria who sought safety under the shadow of the girl who towered over them even when she was a sapling. One day, as part of a war, she saw a group of human sneaking into the forest just to be found out by another, by the end of it most of both sides was gone. Jaranda became curious about the senseless act, observing the aftermath of the battle, even as the bodies turned to bones and the swords rusted. As an Angaria, she was born with wisdom about the laws and lore of nature, though it seemed the world was much more complex than that, and she wanted to know more about it, wanderlust blooming in her heart. It took her some time, but after consulting with less isolated angaria, learning the basics of the other races’ societies, such as clothing and trade, she left on a journey of discovery. [color=E1A509][u][b]Personality[/b][/u][/color] Calm - Jaranda has an aura of peace to her, and even in challenging situations she rarely loses her temper. Observant - The angaria is very attentive to her surroundings and can often recall details from conversations that happened long ago. Honest - Deceit in itself is a concept she is not quite familiar with. Alienated - She often feels everything surrounding her is strange, and that which surrounds her shares such a feeling. Blunt - Sometimes she is too honest, no euphemisms, no sense of social finesse, and she can’t handle lying even if it’s for a justifiable objective. Inflexible - Even though she is on a journey of discovery, once something takes root in her mind it is hard to change it. [color=E1A509][u][b]Appearance [/b][/u][/color] Despite being somewhat young, Jaranda is 2 meters tall. White bark and wood compose her lanky androgynous figure, with thin arms that are a bit longer than the usual proportions of other humanoids. Her hair is typically twigs with green leaves excpet for early spring, where it blossoms with purple blooms. For blood, she has a thick orange sap. Clothing wise, it is arguable that Jaranda doesn't really need to dress herself, as she lacks the sexual features most other races hide for modesty and she obviously doesn't need to worry about insolation, yet with her objective of knowing more about the world, she found it the best to try to look as 'civilized' as she could, even if the fancy clothing she got for herself rarely stops the assumptions. [hr] [color=E1A509][u][b]Allegiance [/b][/u][/color] Neutral. Simply put, she doesn’t even understand why races would kill themselves in wars, and doesn’t have a reason to pick one side or the other. [color=E1A509][u][b]Abilities[/b][/u][/color] ♦ [b]Arboreal Lineage[/b] Jaranda is a tree-kind Angaria, and has many of their traits, from longer lifespans to towering heights. The most important is the bark and wood that forms her body, making for formidable defenses against many threats when united with her large body size. ♦ [b]Regrowth[/b] Like most Angaria, she can regenerate easily from wounds, provided she has sunlight, water, and nutrition. Most superficial wounds can be brushed off, but even more serious ones can be dealt with, albeit taking a long time to do so. ♦ [b]Tree Shift[/b] By taking root on the ground, Jaranda can slowly shift into an unassuming tree shape, which is not only useful to rest and heal, but also to sneak on enemies without even moving. [color=E1A509][u][b]Strengths[/b][/u][/color] A classical “Tank”, she has a great defense and considerable strength and the very sight of the towering Angaria can be enough to dissuade many from trying to mess with her and her allies. She has a great deal of knowledge about the natural world and is often able to find good spots for foraging and camping for her friends, even if she doesn't quite need food in the same way they do. She is hard to tire out and can make a great night watch for others. [color=E1A509][u][b]Weaknesses[/b][/u][/color] As it is expected of a tree-kind, she is slow, very slow, this is especially troublesome for groups traveling without a wagon or boat to transport her, as even if she can walk day and night without tiring, a normal human is much faster than her. She always stands out, there is no sneaking around with a 2 meters tall tree woman, she will always grab the attention of others wherever she goes. She is completely alienated from most civilization, having no crafting skills and lacking most of the social and cultural knowledge as well as the common sense that comes naturally to other races. [color=E1A509][u][b]Theme Song[/b][/u][/color] [url=https://youtu.be/M1602EJC__I]link[/url] [/hider]