[center][hider=Renard Sparks] [h3][url=https://youtu.be/VBlaWzMiZYw]Theme[/url][/h3] [url=https://youtu.be/VBlaWzMiZYwhttps://fontmeme.com/celtic-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.net/permalink/190418/f8effdc60881f3e0da857f2be3b34577.png[/img][/url] [url=https://fontmeme.com/celtic-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.net/permalink/190419/4c3a6adf484a73fe6b1518bbbf26936b.png[/img][/url] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/76/2c/2e/762c2e5b043448fd168e140932602a02.jpg[/img] [b][i][color=BCC127]Hero Appearance[/color][/i][/b] [img]https://i.imgur.com/BDaTAn6.jpg[/img] Renard stands at around 5'9" and is exceptionally strong and more mature looking for his age. It's not uncommon for him to be mistaken for someone in their 20's. His muscles are not massively bulky but he has good muscle mass and tone. He is [i]shockingly[/i] quite agile for his size. He normally wears a fitted black shirt and Jeans all the time when he's not at school. The hero costume is the same as his fathers, *who is pictured in the suit* Except for the face mask, only his father wears that. [b][i][color=BCC127]Name: [/color][/i][/b] Renard Sparks (Real last name : Beaumont) [b][i][color=BCC127]Age:[/color][/i][/b] 17 [b][i][color=BCC127]Gender:[/color] [/i][/b] Male [b][i][color=BCC127]Hero Name:[/color] [/i][/b] Arclight [b][i][color=BCC127]Quirk Name:[/color] [/i][/b] Electro Kinetic [b][i][color=BCC127]Quirk Type:[/color] [/i][/b] Accumulation [b][i][color=BCC127]Quirk Description: [/color][/i][/b] Renard can generate electricity within his own body by simply moving around. If he stops the charge can hold for a few minutes before it starts to ebb away. Depending on the activity he’s doing depends on how quickly it charges. If he is simply walking around or writing, something that doesn’t take much effort and he touches someone, it’s as strong as a static shock. But running around he can charge up a couple thousand volts, enough to knock out people out (or defibrillate someone). He is able to control the voltage of it so he’s just not going around killing people with each attack. At the moment he can't 'arc' or shoot out bolts of lighting. So the only way for him to actually hit his target is to touch them. *This can be maneuvered around if he’s touching a conductive material that is touching his target as well. Because of his body handling a large amount a volts, it makes him highly resistant to burning and makes him a lot warmer than most people on average. Water causes him to involuntary discharge his electricity. He needs to build up his energy to use his stronger moves. which is usually by moving around. This is why he's in excellent shape because he is constantly moving. He can accidentally shock his allies if he's charged up and they touch him with out him knowing they are going to. He'll lose static energy if he isn't moving around and doing something for too long. Using his stronger moves eats away at his electricity and/or causes muscles seizures, the severity depending on how much he used at one time. [b][i][color=BCC127]Inventory & Possessions:[/color][/i][/b] - He carries a phone (with a special faraday cage like case around it so he doesn’t randomly fry it.) along with wallet, keys etc. - He normally wears leather gloves all the time so he doesn't have to worry about shocking people. He can touch people while charged and not shock them, but its easier to wear the gloves so he doesn't have to worry about it all the time. -He doesn’t have much possessions, his father constantly has to move around a lot and quite quickly at times so he and his sister have gotten used to living with the bare essentials. He can fit all his possessions in a duffel bag. Only thing noteworthy of mentioning are pictures of his mother. [b][i][color=BCC127]Sample Post:[/color][/i][/b] Renard sat on the couch in his ‘home.’ If you could call it that. Looking around the place it was clear that there was no womans touch anywhere. Basic couches, coffee table, and a tiny table for two in the kitchen. Spartan was the word for it, well mostly, there was a shelf on one wall in the main room that had a bunch of pictures of a woman on there. Mostly of her, one of them of just his parents on their wedding day and a lot more with both his parents and his kid sister. It was a shrine to his mother who was murdered when he was only 10 or so. He was currently watching the news as a special report came on about a famous or Vigilante name Defiance. The man was known throughout the United States for suddenly appearing in random cities, as well as even other countries. Always taking out some of the more dangerous villains or criminal groups before escaping from pro heros who arrived on scene and tried to arrest him because of his ‘criminal’ activity of using his quirk without a hero licence. Despite authorities deeming him a criminal, he won the hearts of the citizens of the nation. As he did in all accounts acted like a true hero. He was certainly Renards hero, he wanted to become like him, except that he didn’t want to be running from the authorities like Defiance did at the same time. The news report was a special live one, where a reporter happened to be in the area of the fight that broke out. Renard smiled as he leaned forward, watching his Hero in action. Defiance was known for his super strength and his ability to control electricity with ease. No one really understood what the quirk exactly was, as he never went out to explain it. The fight was quick as it normally, a few cars crushed and walls smashed through, He wasn't the most elegant of 'heros' but he always got the job done. mostly before the pro hero's came onto scene. and tried to arrest him, sometimes finishing it while fighting off the very hero's that were supposed to be doing what he did. He sighed and picked up his empty dish to the sink to wash it and said out loud [color=BCC127]“Welp… I guess dad is going to be late coming home again tonight…” [/color] [i][color=0076a3]What!?[/color][/i] he heard from one of the bedrooms. His little sister running out in her pajamas and looking at the TV with wide eyes. [color=0076a3]"Dad said he was going to be home early and help me with my homework!"[/color] She said with a whine in her voice. Renard laughed. [color=BCC127]"Help with homework?! We're talking about the same dad right? The one who stares at a math book like its a text book on philosophy? You know he's busy trying to finish what he started so we don't have to be in hiding anymore."[/color] [color=0076a3]"I know... [/color]she said while trailing off. [color=BCC127]"Also, whats wrong with my help? I help you all the time on your studies!"[/color] She laughed, [color=0076a3]"Yeah only for a few minutes, Then your phone blows up with calls and you suddenly get busy. [/color] Putting up his hands with a defensive look he was about to argue that point when his phone dinged... His hands falling to his side in defeat while his sister only raised her eyebrow with a look that said 'told you'. He sighed and a goofy grin appeared on his face. [color=BCC127]"I can't help it that I'm popular with the [i]ladies[/i]." [/color] His sister scoffed and walked back to her room. Drying his hands he called out, [color=BCC127]"ALRIGHT ALRIGHT I PROMISE I WONT ANSWER ANY TEXTS YOU TWERP!"[/color] [i][color=ed1c24]*Ding*[/color][/i] He pulled his phone out seeing who it was. [color=BCC127]"Riiiiight after this one..."[/color] [hider=Photo op!] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/73/3b/72/733b7289bce4872a5d6e1ed321e6bdca.jpg[/img] [img]http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/37000000/-Laxus-Dreyar-laxus-dreyar-37016339-500-239.gif[/img] [img]https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/015/193/277/large/alex-malveda-loxus-1.jpg?1547440810[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/bd/44/b5/bd44b59f62e4484afd52861e10575f0c.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Renards Family] [Jean-Luc Sparks] [/hider] [/hider][/center] [center] [hider=Dawn Gibbs] [url=https://fontmeme.com/brush-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190613/2859094ceb77cb7b4cc473845d8de57b.png[/img][/url] [url=https://fontmeme.com/brush-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190613/99555e96181ae7789621a202081201ce.png[/img][/url] [img]https://i.redd.it/vcbp7x0f02t21.jpg[/img] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/569895919240216606/587786277068210196/image0.jpg?width=422&height=610[/img] Dawn is a dink. Blessed with a body bois can’t get enough of. Standing at 5’0” she is a bite size snack. But don’t let that fool you, she’s a fire cracker for sure. With a personality three times her size! The first picture is her preferred style but the second picture is what she would look like if her parents had anything to say about it. [url=https://fontmeme.com/brush-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190613/775765ab7fa814ff35731b7c7ac06771.png[/img][/url] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/569895919240216606/587790866718916636/image0.jpg[/img] [url=https://fontmeme.com/brush-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190613/aa692867048dca494f98fb7f2e2bd165.png[/img][/url] Dawn Artemis Gibbs [url=https://fontmeme.com/brush-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190613/c2bb7c783fbf4015fdf28f8ea1bfd022.png[/img][/url] 18 [url=https://fontmeme.com/brush-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190613/457c6acc9e9c6cce3e99f4f1a0760a08.png[/img][/url] Female [url=https://fontmeme.com/brush-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190613/f77442fcc1197f9d28ee451b659fa431.png[/img][/url] Life Light [url=https://fontmeme.com/brush-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190613/fbca447f6271d10f666cbb0482489c8d.png[/img][/url] Life Glow [url=https://fontmeme.com/brush-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190613/b31d8d25d445aae6b49953a6a5bc258e.png[/img][/url] Emitter [url=https://fontmeme.com/brush-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190613/86bd3781307e3b60bf10428a6197e37c.png[/img][/url] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/573909536902217730/587775108827840512/37dc5b8d7b0ea38906075619cf6b5a5c.jpg?width=430&height=609[/img] Dawns quirk is closely tied with that 'glow' that women seem to get when they are pregnant. She has a slight glow all the time until she uses her quirk, then it slowly goes away as she uses up her stamina. She can create any creature she can think of with a soft warm light that emanates from her. These creatures are tangible and she can control them to fight for her. Or she can let them roam as they see fit. The longer she uses this, she can get 'morning sickness' which can be (depending on how severe) Unrelenting, severe nausea. Dehydration, Rapid heartbeat, Headaches and confusion. If she holds onto the forms for too long, she will experience all of these. She also has the really odd cravings all women have during pregnancy. Her eyes also turn gold when she's creating and maintaining one of her creations. Or 'Babies' As she likes to call them. she can make multiple little ones (bunnies, birds, mice, fish, cats, small dogs etc.) Her biggest creation is a Wolf for now, but she can't hold onto that form for too long at the moment. Larger the creature, the less number of them she can create. Her glow is soft now, but with training she will probably become brighter. [url=https://fontmeme.com/brush-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190613/965f5285ce2cf601114581b9179484ae.png[/img][/url] Two guns which are designed to hold non lethal pepper spray balls. (pepper spray guns) [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rihEeryzbyM[/url] -a pair of wireless ear buds. One is always in her ear even during class. Constantly playing anything rock. - her phone, which she is constantly on texting and taking selfies. -her shoulder bag which contains all her school stuff, pair of shoes. Proper clothes (like in the first picture) as well everything and a kitchen sink. (always constantly pulling everything out to find what she needs...) [url=https://fontmeme.com/brush-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190613/6257f91e4e5ec9fadeebc2dc64992d12.png[/img][/url] Dawn slammed the front door. Letting out an aggravated growl as she raised her hands to her head her fingers locked in a claw position as if to claw out her own thoughts. Her dad was getting on her case once again. Something about not doing well in her classes, having a pigsty of a room. Not having enough clothes on. Saying she should be more like her little sister who turned her life around. She shook her head and quickly put her ear buds on. Getting lost in the music as she continued to walk to the park a crossed the street. She was sick and tired of her parents trying to dictate how she should live her life. Sure she wanted to be a hero. But she didn't want to be like them. She sat down under one of the trees and tucked her legs up, wrapping her arms around her legs. After a few moments of just sitting there with her chin on her knees, a glow emitted from her chest, and a moment later a ferret made of light crawled out from her shirt and squeezed itself between her shoulder and her cheek. Causing her to giggle as its whiskers tickled her cheeks. A few more flashes from her chest, as more ferrets suddenly appeared from around her, crawling over her and interacting with each other. She sat back and watched them as started playing with each other. Acting as Ferrets do. While she could control them if she wanted, she enjoyed allowing them to express themselves as they wanted. She got lost in time watching them scamper around her, not a care in the world. She started to feel nauseated. So with regrets, she allowed their forms to dissipate. Letting out a sigh she waited till she felt better before getting up. She suddenly had the urge for some pickles and Mayo... [/hider] [hider=Alexis Runa][center][url=https://fontmeme.com/signature-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200223/edf83e4dbdb2dd5b56b8dc4b5263b111.png[/img][/url] [img]https://i.ibb.co/7RW4skS/6aa0ef8a0845fe36a917ebbba40637c1.jpg[/img] Appearance: [img]https://i.skyrock.net/0586/94200586/pics/3253659100_1_3_ZsnItTX9.jpg[/img] Alexis stands about 5'5, she has light blonde hair, small frame and big eyes. She normally has a bunch of band aids all over her because she is so clumsy. Hero outfit: [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/38e9c4f9-4dbe-4dcb-aec1-144952136e07/d4m5t0i-36bb81a4-cb1a-4252-ba2d-9a5e163d0391.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzM4ZTljNGY5LTRkYmUtNGRjYi1hZWMxLTE0NDk1MjEzNmUwN1wvZDRtNXQwaS0zNmJiODFhNC1jYjFhLTQyNTItYmEyZC05YTVlMTYzZDAzOTEuanBnIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.yFqj9MK9KMJ6XpQ19rcrgpMPiRhzGNx-sC5R4WRyvCU[/img] Name: Alexis Emma Runa Age: 16 Gender: Female Hero Name: Origami Quirk Name: Paper Manipulation Quirk Type: Emitter Quirk Description: Paper Manipulation allows Alexis to control all sorts of paper without touching it within fifty meters. The thicker or tougher the paper the more concentration it takes to manipulate it. Once done manipulating the paper it keeps it’s shape and she doesn’t have to continue controlling it. She can harden a single piece of paper till it’s strong as steel, but if she does that she cannot undo the shape she originally formed it to if she does. Nor can she manipulate it in any way so she has to hold it with her hands. It lasts for an hour before reverting back to normal paper. Inventory: Some sort of paper at all times, cell phone. [/center] [/hider] [/center]