[center][b][h1]Minamoto-no-Yoshitsune[/h1][/b][/center] [h2]Running Errands at the Business District[/h2] “Indeed, we should see what options are arrayed before escalating in a more noticeable manner. The first night of this Holy Grail War it still is, and best not we reveal too many cards, or overextend. To the business district, you said?” Yoshitsune gathered Agria in her arms, in some odd parody of a princess cary, and leapt up into the air, toward the rooftops. She decided against flying once more, for that would be a fair bit too noticeable for something not vitally important such as securing her master. Instead, she began leaping across the roofs of Paris, hidden within the shadows and lightly stepping onwards, staying nearly undetectable by normal senses. Saber noticed conflicts surrounding her, and steered around them as widely as she could. At her speed, the delays would be negligible, but engaging in combat with another servant once more would be troublesome and not quite worth it. Their errands should be done with little note, for security was rather lax for such a country. Peace, or something akin to it, had been achieved recently, and so of course politicians would relax. But, well, she wouldn’t question her and Agria’s luck overmuch. They’d need all they could get n the coming days. [@1Charak2]