[center] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/2b4925ee-b215-4b89-a794-5058a6c53e13.png[/img] [colour=lightseagreen][h1][b][i]Ashalla[/i][/b][/h1] [b]Goddess of Oceans and Storms[/b][/colour] [/center] Ashalla floated through the ocean south of Dragon's Foot, dark clouds and tempestuous winds following her. Around her squalls seemed to take a life of their own, drinking in the residual anger of her encounter with the Leviathan Angler. These miniature storms boiled off from her discontent and flitted about. The melancholic melodies of Vakk's music box did little to calm Ashalla, despite Vakk's claims, but the music seemed to keep the squalls pacified enough for them to avoid Ashalla's direct attention. Once the music had drifted out of hearing of the squalls they became much more boisterous. The baby tempests drank moisture, rode winds, built clouds and rained. They jostled and squabbled, jousting with gusts to claim each others moisture and energy for their own. This violent dance twisted clouds and stirred the sea, although it was short-lived as the squalls soon dispersed. The squalls scattered across Galbar in search of more stormy conditions or divine anger to feast off, or some beings to hurl their inner anger against. Perhaps, if enough of them united together, they might have been able to produce a proper storm, but on their own they would rarely pose a credible threat. And such discordant beings would never unite of their own accord. Ashalla paid little heed to the squalls. As she contemplated the source of her discontent, she remembered K'nell's words - [i]there are things even a God cannot see or create without a little help.[/i] Though Ashalla had not admitted it at the time, she knew K'nell was right, and now she saw that it held the solution to her current situation. The Leviathan Angler had attacked the Zhengwu because she had not been present to enforce her will. One option would be to create some fragment of herself, like Shengshi's Xiaoli or Sartravius' Phoenix, but the ocean was far too vast for a single extra entity to provide adequate coverage. So Ashalla decided she could make many creatures. They would not be [i]direct[/i] extensions of her will like a god-fragment would be, but they would be receptive to her will, like the Thunderbird was, so would be able to enforce her will in her absence. They would also stop the Leviathan Anglers from being the only extraordinary beasts to roam her ocean. And because the journey was slow while carrying the music box, she had time to create. Ashalla started with the pattern of a predatory fish and scaled it up to enormous sizes, rivalling whales. This gargantuan shark had a powerful jaw and great teeth which could puncture through the bodies of creatures it attacked, even creatures larger than itself. The shark's great mass was itself a weapon, for it could ram lesser creatures which enough force to injure them severely. Ashalla created more of these megalodons and released them into the ocean, where they would hunt whales and other sea beasts. The megalodons were terrific demonstrations of strength, but Ashalla did not feel this was enough. So she took the pattern of a squid and scaled that up to be colossal as well. Its arms and tentacles were given wicked hooks and toothy suckers. Two tentacles were extended to be much longer with spiked clubs on the end, and between all the tentacles was its great beak. The colossal squid could use water to jet-propel itself through the water for bursts of speed, and could spray a cloud of black ink along with that jet to confound potential predators. It had massive eyes so it could see in the dark depths of the ocean. The squid was coloured red, and Ashalla also added bioluminescent patches, both to enhance its beauty and to lure in prey. Ashalla created many of these creatures. The megalodons were well suited for tropical and sub-tropical waters, while the colossal squids were suited for the deep depths of the ocean and the polar climates. But Ashalla knew they were not enough, for many Leviathan Anglers dwarfed even these creatures in size. She needed a bigger creature. And, because only a couple hundred anglers existed, she only needed one creature. Biomass began to accumulate at Ashalla's call. The general pattern of the colossal squid impressed her with its versatility and elegance, so she decided that this beast would be a cephalopod. To support its enormous bulk and to provide a measure of internal protection, Ashalla built a large, round, porous bone of calcium carbonate which would be used to control buoyancy. Within this bone Ashalla placed many internal organs, and she covered the bone in flesh. Around the edge of the body she put fins and fans which would provide a means of steady locomotion. Towards the front she placed two large eyes, a beak and many tentacles. Toothed suckers ran along all of these tentacles, and the longer tentacles ended in barbed clubs. Like other cephalopods, it also produced ink, which it could use to cloud the water around it. Although the creature made the two species Ashalla just created seem miniscule, this beast had more besides sheer size and strength to make it extraordinary. Its tentacles could regrow if severed - not immediately, but it would not be permanently maimed by the loss of some tentacles in a battle. However, the biggest feature Ashalla added was to its skin. Chromatophores and photophores covered every part of the creature, allowing it to change its colour and produce light at will, much like Hermes could except with bioluminescence as well. A complex array of muscles also allowed the beast to adjust the texture of its skin and even, to a minor extent, the shape of its body. These abilities could be used equally well for beautiful displays or for camouflage. Ashalla released the gargantuan creature and it came to life, swimming around her. Ashalla looked upon the creatures she had made and decreed, [colour=lightseagreen][b]"Megalodons, colossal squids, heed my words. You are not to harm anyone to whom I have promised protection. Now spread through my ocean so my influence may be seen everywhere."[/b][/colour] The megalodons and colossal squids then dispersed to fulfill Ashalla's will. The ocean goddess then turned her attention to the gargantuan colourful cephalopod she had created. [colour=lightseagreen][b]"Kraken, you are to enforce my blessings of safe passage. Ensure that no beast of the sea harms those to whom I have promised safety. You are to enact vengeance on any creature which defies such decrees,"[/b][/colour] Ashalla commanded, [colour=lightseagreen][b]"Now go to the Zhengwu and ensure no other creatures attack the ship. Suffer no Leviathan Anglers in your presence. I will speak to you again if I have more commands."[/b][/colour] Obediently, the Kraken turned and swam northwards. Finally content, Ashalla continued swimming, listening to the music box. [hr] The island in which the Gateway to Sanvadam lay was barren as ever, but not silent. Whispers drifted up from the gateway, and shadowy forms lurked between the rocky spires. The ocean heaved and Ashalla flowed uphill and across the island while carrying the Box of Orchestration. Some of the shadows, seeing the living being approach, darted out. Their hungry white eyes marked their incorporeal forms as they swarmed into Ashalla's watery body. However, the incorporeal echoes could not tear free any part of the divine soul, and instead found themselves trapped in the goddess' grip. There was a slight ripple as she crushed the echoes. Several squalls manifested in Ashalla's irritation, and her eyes settled on them. [colour=lightseagreen][b]"Deal with them,"[/b][/colour] she said in a low voice like a rolling wave. The squalls flitted about the island and quarrelled with the other incorporeal echoes. As simple soulless beings themselves, the squalls were not threatened by the echoes' soul-stealing powers. And while the squalls could do little besides buffet the echoes around, that was enough to keep the echoes from disturbing Ashalla. Ashalla flowed through the illusory boulder which hid the cave mouth leading down to Sanvadam and looked inside the gateway. [colour=lightseagreen][b]"Vakk,"[/b][/colour] she called out, her voice echoing like thunder down the tunnels. The echoes of her voice died down to silence and Ashalla waited, longer than she had waited last time. Vakk did not come. [colour=lightseagreen][b]"Vakk, I have your Box of Orchestration,"[/b][/colour] she called out. She waited again. Still, Vakk did not come. A momentary blip of concern crossed through Ashalla's mind. Was Vakk busy, or elsewhere? Had Vakk been attacked? Why did he not respond? But ultimately these were not Ashalla's worries. Ashalla placed the box inside the cave. [colour=lightseagreen][b]"Vakk, I'm leaving the box inside your gateway."[/b][/colour] Ashalla was worried about the possibility of Eurysthenes finding the box before Vakk. However, she reasoned that the box would probably be safer here than elsewhere, since she had frequently left the box unattended in the open ocean. Here, at least, it was hidden. Still puzzled as to why Vakk did not respond, Ashalla flowed back into the ocean and swam away. [hider=Release the Kraken!] Squalls are created from Ashalla's grumpiness. Squalls are minor storm spirits. They spontaneously manifest when Ashalla is angry or stressed, and multiply in storm-generating conditions or near divine wrath. They are petty, angry and destructive beings prone to infighting, although rarely are they strong enough to be more than a nuisance. Squalls are pacified by music. They are soulless. Ashalla realises that she needs helpers, like K'nell said. To loosely enforce her will and dominance in the ocean, Ashalla creates megalodons and colossal squids as extraordinary species. Then, as a single beast of phenomenal power, Ashalla creates the Kraken. Her Kraken is patterned after a Giant Cuttlefish, so it possesses cool colour-shifting properties. Megalodons and colossal squids spread throughout the ocean. They will never attack anyone to whom Ashalla has promised protection. They also compete with other sea monsters, hopefully stopping Leviathan Anglers and any creatures made by other gods from having a monopoly. The Kraken is sent to keep an eye on the Zhengwu and to 'suffer no Leviathan Anglers in your presence'. Ashalla makes it to the Gateway to Sanvadam. She is rudely greeted by some Incorporeal Echoes. She sends some squalls to deal with them. She calls to Vakk, but gets no response, and this troubles Ashalla. She leaves the Box of Orchestration inside the Gateway behind the illusory boulder then leaves. [/hider] [hider=Might Summary] Squalls, an extraordinary species - 0 MP (1 MP discounted by Storms) Megalodons, an extraordinary species - 0 MP (1 MP discounted by Oceans) Colossal squids, an extraordinary species - 0 MP (1 MP discounted by Oceans) Kraken, a phenomenal beast - 1 FP (2 FP discounted by Oceans) [u]Ashalla[/u] [i]Start:[/i] 6 MP & 8 FP [i]Spent:[/i] 1 FP [i]End:[/i] 6 MP & 7 FP [i]Portfolios:[/i] 5/10 Colour 10/10 Ice [/hider]