[B]Username:[/B] [@Andreyich] [b]Character Name:[/b] Hans von Lipvig [b]Race/Species:[/b] Human [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Career (if any) and Skills:[/b] Dueling entailing shooting and fencing, horse riding and general equestrian skills, full literacy and numeracy, noble bearing and etiquette. [b]Weapons:[/b] Heirloom Blade: A fine thing, much engravings and decoration cover this weapons that is both on border of ornamental toy and fine masterwork weapon. Dagger: Similar to the former, it is a beautiful and clearly expensive thing that works as both a weapon and a tool. Repeater Pistol: While still a new and gimmicky design, having five full pistols shots reloaded as quickly as a normal pistol is no trivial thing. [b]Attire:[/b] Hans will dress himself in neat and fashionable, but not too (that is, in his opinion) ostentatious clothing with much emphasis on personal comfort. [b]Equipment/Other:[/b] He will with himself have a mechanical pocket watch, a compass, a map of the region, stationery, and a significant amount of coin. He has a quite excellent white charger with partial barding, as well as a breastplate and riding gear of his own. [b]Physical Description:[/b] About 179 centimetres in height Hans is the typical image of a so called dashing cavalier. Perhaps destined to be a Knight himself given training, he is athletic if not quite soldier material with a moderate build and frame. He has wheat blond hair carefully groomed upon his head with the slightest of sideburns. Hans does not have any distinct facial features save for a general "boyish" look, albeit this is explicable by a rather slight age. [b]Mental Description/Personality:[/b] The young man has not had much time to properly develop a personality. What little time he has spent on this earth he has more or less gotten what he wanted when he wanted unless this somehow annoyed a family member. He never gave much thought to the Sigmarite faith he was born into, until he realized so recently the amount of hate it could bring upon a man. He still does not care much for it, but its certainly brought him a much more sober vision of the world. Now a largely mercantile but still vaguely innocent mind guides him across the world. [b]Background/History:[/b] Born to lower nobility in Middenland, the von Lipvigs were of the comparatively small Sigmarite minority in the province. The predominantly Ulrich worshipping population always saw them with skepticism and suspicion, almost as though they were foreigners within their own homes. Still, there was little hatred money could overcome and thus a lavish life awaited the lad. His father wanted more maturity in his son before educating his son on properly managing the manor and instead just taught him the foppish business one could get at any time like dancing in a ball, riding in a horse with your nose held high or artfully swinging a sword to impress the peasants. Yet it wasn't to be. Poor crop yields and few merchants arriving meant that the people of the region had empty stomachs, and they right away turned to those they always held at least some contempt for. Driven off family land with his sister and father killed Hans fled with his mother. Yet Ulrichan family was cautious of giving them refuge, and what gold the family could pack in carriages would run out eventually. Fearful, confused and frustrated Hans took whatever weapons he could get hold of and in the night rode off from the home of the distant family friends they stayed with in the Reikland. Now alone on the road he searches for where fate will take him.