[quote=@Bartimaeus] [@tobiax] I was thinkin' of going for a pretty defensive Semblance. Which, brings me to ask a question - would a section of armor (from Pauldron, to vambrace, to greave - so, the whole arm) be able to go in the "weapon" slot? Of course it will likely be able to transform as most weapons do, but just wanted to ask to make sure. And another question - is this going to be sandbox, or do you have a plot/plan laid out? [/quote] Okay. I mean, if they fight with it, then yes. There's plot. [quote=@Qrow Storm] [@tobiax] I was tossing around the idea of a ranger character. Primarily fights at range with a bow and dust filled arrows. Has a Semblance that allows him to summon avatars of animals, he has hunted in the past, to assist him. [/quote] That's a bit to similar to the Schnee Semblance, if I'm honest.