The suddenness of the gun shot that rang out across the field was enough for Akeno to spin her head in the direction of the petite Italian terror, but the effect it had on Yakkaimori was much more profound. The girl let out a high pitched scream that quickly drew Akeno’s attention back to her teammate; she was about to ask what was wrong when the smaller girl grabbed Akeno by the wrist and ran off. Concerned and a little confused, Akeno let herself be dragged along without putting up any resistance as she was pulled over towards Goudo-sensei and the box of ribbons and then pulled again over to Azukina. It was clear that the loud noise had bothered Yakkaimori and it only took a quick look at her ears to realise why; if she really did have abilities similar to a bat then her mutation surely gave her high sensitive hearing to be able to echolocate. Even her eyes seemed a little clouded over as she shook her head and cleared her throat, the loud noise probably having a similar disorienting effect that something like a flashbang had on someone with normal hearing. Akeno waited until Yakkaimori recovered before saying anything, in case any more noise aggravated her already damaged ears. When she had recovered and suggested explaining their Quirk’s to each other, Akeno raised an eyebrow at the wording used but listened carefully to what was said nonetheless before giving her own explanation. [color=f7941d]“Well, what I showed in my demonstration is pretty much it. I can heat up my body to about 60 degrees; it’s enough to burn someone but not right away and if I use it for too long I overheat. It won’t be very useful here I’m afraid, but I’ll do my best to help anyway.”[/color] [@tobiax][@Delta44]