[center][hr][hr] [h1][color=0080ff]Niah Bautista[/color][/h1] [img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/HeftyInfamousKawala-size_restricted.gif[/img] [hr][hr] [color=0080ff]Location:[/color] Red Guard Mobile Unit - Sydney, Australia [color=0080ff]Skills:[/color] N/A [hr][/center] Was Reed suffering from a bout of amnesia? They had all been fully briefed. She frowned slightly, but then Abercrombie was being weird too. What had gotten into them? Niah visibly flinched with Mystique slapped Abercrombie. She didn't think that Abercrombie deserved a slap. Niah knew that her word wouldn't help Abercrombie at this time. Mystique outranked her, it simply wasn't her place to say anything. Hell, the girl was powerful for an Inhuman and had clawed her way into the originally mutant only team. If Abercrombie had been a mutant instead of Inhuman she would have been begged to be part of the team considering her power. She resisted an urge to look at her cell phone again and soak in the image of her sister. It was like some part of her brain feared she would never see her again, a fear easily placed on the current mission being so dangerous. Instead, she turned her attention to Novikova, Niah liked her plan the best. It seemed the most gentle. [color=0080ff]"That seems like a good approach. I agree we should definitely be going through the young Banner. If we bring him in unwillingly he may not cooperate. We do not know how trained he is. Giving him a reason to cooperate would be ideal."[/color] She flicked through the dossier she had. Would her power of psychometry be handy in trying to find something to leverage against them? [color=0080ff]"I can also see if I can find some information we can leverage against them."[/color] She held up a gloved hand and wiggled her fingers.