on the cold, frozen tundra, a Spectre base sits upon an empty cliffside, overlooking a large portion of land. The base itself takes up about the same space as Washington D.C, but comparatively smaller than most EDB bases. Snow beats down on the walls of this megastructure in the dead of the planet's winter season. As the night rolls on, several dark, wispy figures appear within walking distance of the base* Dark figure 1: …. Hmm, I'd assumed it would be better protected. I suppose they didn't think anything could survive the weather, here. Dark figure 2: No need for your pointless talking, Chariot. We are on a mission. Chariot: … affirmative. *the two figures up front dash towards the base, the night and weather on their side* *two guards near a entrance to the base shiver from the cold, but maintain their position, one of them smoking a cigar* Smoking Guard: ...hmm… another boring night. Guard 2: agreed. Typical for this post. How long are we stationed here, again? Smoking Guard: 2 days. Then we go home. Guard 2: thank the gods. This work is about as boring as paper pushing. Smoking Guard: *squints my eyes, seeing the dark figures approaching* Huh.. what was that you said about being bored? Guard 2: huh? Smoking Guard: * a bit more worried* Well, you won't be anymore. Targets ahead. Guard 2: Shit! *both raise their rifles, leveled with the incoming possible threat* All of you! Halt! This is a Restricted Area! Smoking Guard: fuck that, kid! Just shoot the bastards! *they open fire on the beings, but they don't seem affected* Smoking Guard: What the Hell- *the second dark figure lunges forward, sweeping the second guards feet out from under him, and withdraws a knife from a holster on her wrist, slitting the smoking guard's throat. She then leans his head forward, opening the gash, and removes the cigar from his mouth, putting it out in his now exposed throat* Dark Figure 2: Smoking kills. Chariot: *stomps on the other guards chest, caving it in* Geez, wimp. *moves to the wall, placing and orblike device on the wall, which sprouts legs, walking towards a nearby camera. It drills into it, hacking into the mainframe of security for the outside of the base. It then uploads false footage, clearing any footage of the figures* Chariot: too easy. Dark Figure 2: these are just mercs. Not even EDB personnel. We won't see them until we get deeper into the base. You know how these things go. Chariot: once we're in, slaughter everyone. In, out. Minimal destruction. Steal what we can and leave. Dark Figure 2: *slaps Chariot in the back of the head* Stop that. Why do you feel the need to repeat our mission out loud? Fucking idiot… Chariot: *rubs his head* screw you..