Zion passed the girls their eggs until Zion stood before a blushing Musa. " Here you go honey bun, a peice as lovely as you. You actually succeed at forcing my pride and love for you to bring my best performance. So this is true love! I don't understand why folks forsaken it make no sense". Zion replied. "You understand why us girls are usually obsessed with Valentine's Day heart shape,the emotion is mesmerizing hypnotic, the more you resist the stronger your hurt become inside." Musa responded. Musa, she looked at one egg alone sitting in the trunk. " Who's egg is that? All us girls have ours." Musa asked. Timmy tilted his glasses. " We the Specialist have a girl in our group that come and go when Zion appear again, it's Ia's egg, only Ia can take it. Cinder, present Ia with her gift when she appear." Timmy said. Zion chuckled. " Alright." Zion stood before Cinder then morphed into a blushing Ia looking up at Cinder. Ia is about 5.6 feet tall. I wasn't sure about heights until after I recall the shortest guy back in high school in 2009 was at least 5.6 feet tall or 5.5 named Carlos.