[center][img]https://image.ibb.co/jykjXK/alannaturtleneck.png[/img][/center] [right][hr][sub][color=E0633C][b]Location: Her car in the parking lot Interactions: none Color: E0633C[/b][/color][/sub][hr][/right] Bea awoke to the same schedule she always did. Exercise, bathe, eat, and then drive herself to school. The morning was very uneventful, and she was just fine with that. It wasn’t until she entered the first class and was told to go to the auditorium that things became a bit unglued for her. She never handled unexpected schedule changes very well and now she had to sit with a bunch of people all crowded together. Her body felt stiff as she made the trek from the classroom to the auditorium. It felt like hours before she finally arrived. She sat as close to the doors as possible and held her book bag in her lap, hugging it close. [color=7B68EE]“Good morning, students,”[/color] [s]The Trunchbull[/s] – Miss Chamberlain said in her no-nonsense tones that always made Bea shudder. [color=7B68EE]“First of all, I would like to address the appalling and absolutely [i]atrocious[/i] behavior my faculty and I witnessed at the Homecoming dance last Saturday. Fist fights, underage drinking, suspected drug use, the involvement of the Palm Beach PD in one [i]particular[/i] case. These are not the morals and values we teach and abide by at this school. All students guilty of any of these transgressions will be contacted throughout the day to be penalized accordingly, and I will personally be keeping an eye out for any further mischief from this point onward. If this unacceptable behavior continues to occur throughout the year, I will have no other choice than to declare a cancellation of this year’s Prom Night.”[/color] She hardly paid attention. None of these things were particularly concerning to her and her eyes were glued on that auditorium doors. The sudden whispers and angry notes around her brought her attention back to the present. Having missed what the woman had said entirely, she looked around wide-eyed and nervous. Then she heard something about prom and relaxed a bit. Fuck prom. The faculty would probably do something to fuck that up too. [color=7B68EE]“[i]Enough[/i]!”[/color] Miss C declared and just about made Bea shit a brick. The girl was so over this and it felt like her skin was trying to crawl away from her at this point. If she could just go and get out into open air and calm down… [color=7B68EE]“Keep each other in line and there shall be no reason for me to penalize.”[/color] [color=7B68EE]“In other news, I am proud to announce that the Homecoming King and Queen for this year’s…”[/color] Her attention was now on trying not to have a panic attack or meltdown or in any way draw attention to herself. Her leg bounced and she closed her eyes. The noises around her made things worse and she clasped her hands over her ears in the hope that she could just make them all go away. She started to come back to herself toward the end of the drugs and drinking seminar. Blinking she was having trouble understanding the transition. But things had quieted, and she wasn’t nearly so restless. All she knew was that she would most certainly be spending the rest of the day in the art room. Then there was a seminar about the dangers of sex. She rolled her eyes at this. Yeah, yeah, she had already been told all of this stuff already. All in all, it was boring. Finally, it was over and as she left the auditorium, she was given a little pouch with lube and condoms in it. She stared at it in disbelief as she made her way outside of the building. Just what the fuck was she supposed to do with this? She put it into her bag, not thinking much on it further. Once outside she breathed deeply before going to her truck and sitting in the driver’s seat with the door open. Shaky hands had trouble lighting up her cigarette, but the first inhale of that sweet flavorful toxin made all the tension inside of her go away. For now.