[h3]Palace of Khulbe the Hutt [right]Jos'rizud[/right][/h3][hr] Jos'rizud watched on a monitor as the Raven Trespass came into sight over the upper level of the landing pad. The big Twi'lek was well familiar with Jast, having met the courier on his last several visits to Khulbe. The two males weren't exactly friends but they respected each other enough to have shared a brew or two in the palace saloon during Jasts' last visit. Even so, working for Khulbe meant staying on your toes at all times. At least the two battle droids at his back would serve as a surprise to the courier, they were new since his last visit. His eyes wandered for a moment over the slim figure of Nima in front of him. He had wanted her since he first laid on eyes on her. His gaze lingered on her perfect curves before trailing down over to her firm ass. Perfect. If he was given the chance to bed her, he would, but to do that he would need to impress Khulbe. Nima was the Hutts favourite and he controlled access to her tighter than a Sith to his lightsaber. Still... It might almost be worth the death that would surely follow. He dragged his eyes upward toward the heavy landing pad that shook as the freighter landed on it, the big disc beginning to lower at once into the confines of the hanger bay. The design had been prohibitively expensive but it allowed Khulbes men complete control of a visiting ship. A tractor beam and several laser cannons had been built into the design and were manned whenever a ship arrived. Small anti-personnel laser cannons were slotted into the walls at floor level to support the guards already present with Jos'rizud. As the lift settled into place the landing struts gave a sigh and the high pitched whine of the engine died away to nothing. There was a long pause, he could see the laser cannons tracking along the side of the freighter, and then the main ramp began to descend. Jast came first, flanked by the hulking male he did not know and the female, Telsa. He had to admit he had a bit of thing for her too, something about a female who could fly. He eyed the big male carefully and bared his teeth slightly when the man looked at him. They exchanged nods recognizing each other as dangerous beings and the silent dick measuring contest was over. "Guard!" His attention was suddenly drawn to Nima who was pointing at a figure that had dropped out of the belly of the Raven Trespass. He didn't hesitate as he swept his weapon upward to aim it between Jasts green eyes. The two battle droids quickly followed suit to cover off Jasts associates, the fourth guard, a slim human female with short cropped redhair was a second behind them as she moved right swiftly with her blaster rifle levelled at the prostrate figure. "One of yours?" Jos'rizud asked Jast over the barrel of his rifle. It seemed unlikely, and not at all like Jasts reputation, to make such an incredible blunder, but Jos'rizud was taking no chances.