[@Shadow Dragon][@YeetMeister][@Elevation][@HokumPocus][@Mataus] The Bear looks around, and stops fighting. Confusion and concern both squander his beady eyes as if he hadn't been taking in information until just now. All of a sudden, his pupils shrink slightly, although his eyes remain black, but his fur shrinks slightly shorter on his torso, and human flesh is visible under it in some parts. His face and build turn slightly more humanoid as Borthric enters his human-bear hybrid state. "No," spews from the lip of the hybrid, although his prior form did not have the capability of speech. "No ones laughing. Oh... I've hurt people again it all just happened so fast..." The fur on Borthric shrinks back to only body hair, and Borthric shrinks by about a foot. Now, standing before Brakes, Tristan, and Hark is the woozy, human form of Borthric. He staggers for a moment, then leans forward, obviously drunk, (although his hybrid form showed no drunkenness.) and attempts to plant a kiss on Brakes's cheek multiple times, although he doesn't succeed in any of the attempts. "Wasn't that amazing, Avrrin?" Borthric stumbles around a bit more before finally falling over on the floor, his clothes in shreds around him. The bigger they are, the harder they fall - And this brute likely has the worlds biggest hangover.