[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170609/6993f16961e0f0769efda621e785818a.png[/img][hr][hr][b][color=998849]October 31st, 1943 - More Details[/color][/b][hr][hr][/center] Siduri looked over towards Faith and gave this look. It was hard to tell what it was as first but it was one of approval. She nodded slightly. [color=D8BFD8]"Our abilities are only limited to our minds, you might be surprised what all you could do,"[/color] she said before giving a glance towards Bart. He had asked if Faith could take someone with her, she had already answered that. She had to go alone. The woman was not one to repeat herself, so she merely shook her head and turned her attention back to the girl. [color=D8BFD8]"You would need to go and speak with a man known as Parliament,"[/color] she said as she sat there. There was a pause before she continued. [color=D8BFD8]"He is not the man you seek but he perhaps can convince one that would be your teacher to teach you. There is an issue though, and this is why I said it would be dangerous and why you would need to go alone. Parliament is wise but your teacher, he is egotistical and ruthless. Not one that likes to be bothered with what he revers to as the trivial's of the world. Yet, he is strong and has a unique ability that I believe yours stems from."[/color] Ben glanced over and then back out the window. Siduri took note and adjusted her skirt a bit to lay flt over her knees. [color=D8BFD8]"Though, this is still all subject to if you can even get an audience with Parliament. There are only three he will speak with regularly. One is a man who calls himself Razor, vile creature, I would avoid him. One is a man known as Golgotha, friendly enough. Though the one he will listen to over others is a woman older than them,"[/color] he said motioning towards Gio and Gilbert. [color=D8BFD8]"A Miss Babylon."[/color] Turning her attention back to Bart for a moment she looked up towards the ceiling and then back to him. [color=D8BFD8]"She took the option to leave and move on. Some call it the great crossing, others just call it death. A path we all take eventually."[/color] Eve had said there was a choice, to stay and remain here or to move on. It seemed Alexandra had chosen to move on, it was as simple as that. Looking over towards Gilbert there was a slight tug at the corner of her mouth. [color=D8BFD8]"I have long decided it matters not what personal advice I give, one will choose their own path. I suspect I would suggest to do what you wished at this point. Do you want to continue this life or are you ready to go and let the world's fate fall where it may? I suspect if you are anything in which you were, you will chose to fight."[/color] There was a cast of her glance towards James and she shook her head somewhat. [color=D8BFD8]"The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry. They are not hunting you out right, if they were, things would be far more gone than already. You are not their goal. At least not from what I can tell. Plan all you wish but in the end, plans never go as one would believe. Tis life and death."[/color]