[h2]Saber[/h2] "Er, yes..." the girl samurai couldn't help but feel embarrassed that she hadn't even contemplated the possibility of having to purchase training swords. But maybe there was some way to obtain them otherwise? The pale Servant was hopeful that would be the case, at least. She didn't know much at all about the United States, though the Holy Grail had gifted her the capability to converse with those who lived there without issue. After a moment's pause, Saber realized that another individual had appeared as well. An older man, well-dressed, asking about their situation in English... to which her Master responded in Japanese. There was really only one thing that the girl samurai could do, given the situation. "Er, what Honda-san is trying to do is ask who you are, any why you're here?" she asked. It seemed everyone was answering everyone else with questions. Hopefully he'd change that tactic and actually explain himself. Saber didn't suspect him of being anyone dangerous as of now, but at the same time it was a little weird that he showed up so suddenly, so asking who he was seemed like the best idea. [@PKMNB0Y][@Raineh Daze]