[h3]Palace of Khulbe the Hutt [right]Jos'rizud[/right][/h3][hr] There was a long moment of silence as Jos'rizud quickly ran the scenario through in his head. Jast had said the girl was his prisoner and she was clearly no threat as she on the ground, a vicious material oozing from her body. He had never seen a Zelosian but he was familiar with their need for sunlight and this girl looked starved for it. Once he was sure his employer was unlikely to blame him if the girl fell out of the ship and went right back on it, he lowered his rifle. "Of course, Jast. Can never be to careful." The rest of the security team followed his example and the tension eased at once. Jos offered Jast a toothy smile. "Welcome back to Nar Shaddaa." He gestured toward the hanger bay door where a plain looking human female waited next to several locked bins. As they approached she held out her hands silently, there was no need to remind Jast and his team what was required. Their weapons were secured in one of the bins and the key was handed to Jast. A small handheld scanner was then used to go over each of the couriers crew to ensure no hidden weapons remained before the heavy blast door slid into the wall and a long hallway beckoned them onward. [center]* * *[/center] [h3][right]Khulbe Desilijic[/right][/h3][hr] Khulbe waved the floating holo-monitor away as the blast doors opened. He had watched the interaction in the hanger bay with interest. He did not approve or disapprove of Jos'rizuds' decision to let leave the girl with the Raven Trespass. The Twi'lek had done his job as he was paid to do and that was good enough for the Hutt. There would be a question or two for Jast of course, but he doubted there any advantage in it for him to really press the matter. He looked around the throne room, eyeing the guards who stood nearby. Not for him the usual cadre of mindless thugs who lazed about while their boss conducted business. He could not see the Defel, but he knew Sounmil was nearby to keep an eye on the arrivals. A pair of Wookies flanked his considerable bulk. They were a strange addition to the Hutts entourage but he had asked no questions of them when they approached him looking for employment. The throne room slid open with barely a whisper and his guests stepped into the cavernous space.