[center] [h1][color=yellow][b][u]Karamir[/u][/b][/color][/h1] [/center] [hr] How strange. Karamir stood before the recently emptied river, watching the fish writhe and flop about, still alive. How had this happened? Had one of the gods struck Kalgrun? Kalmar had told him that Shengshi was the God of the Rivers, and that the two of them had a feud, but that feud was resolved. Had the feud reawakened? Was this Shengshi's doing? Even if it wasn't, was the god who did this still in the area? If they were here to cause senseless destruction, then Karamir knew he might be in danger. But there was one thing Karamir could not overlook, which was that the river's state presented an opportunity. The fish had nowhere to move and were dying anyway. It would be a simple enough matter to collect some, and receive a free meal. So, he did. He slid down the muddy slope, and it briefly occurred to him that there was no longer a river to wash himself in. No matter - he wasn't that far from the sea. He approached one of the larger fish and nearly slipped on the muddy bank, but thrust the butt of his spear into the riverbed to steady himself. It went surprisingly deep, and it was harder than expected to pull back out. Once it was out, and Karamir was steady on his feet, he approached one of the larger fish and stabbed his spear into it. He picked up another with his hand, and then a third. He was about to retrieve a fourth when he heard a distant rumbling. Karamir’s eyes widened. With panic in his eyes, he dropped the fish and scrambled toward the slope. He threw his spear up onto the bank, and with both hands he began to climb, trying to find holds in the mud and dirt. He glanced in the direction of the sound and saw a torrent of water surging toward him. With desperation, he hastened his climb. Somehow he made it. Karamir hauled himself up onto the bank, the rushing water missing him by mere inches. He lay on the ground, panting, more from fear than adrenaline than exhaustion. He lay there for some time, catching his breath, and he began to laugh himself. The laughter stopped when steps could be heard. He glanced toward the forest, and spotted a direwolf stalking toward him, no doubt seeking to exploit his weary state. Karamir’s hand lunged for the spear, and with the sudden motion the wolf rushed forward. Karamir’s hand close around the shaft, and he stood, swinging the spear around to maneuver the tip into the direwolf’s path. The direwolf attempted to change course but it was too late, and the spear struck the creature head-on. Karamir would have smiled, but instead he overbalanced as the creature’s momentum sent him, the spear, and the wolf, into the river. The current, made stronger by the fact that the river was still being refilled, overtook him and pulled him downstream. He had no choice but to release his grip on the spear, and then he began to flail and struggle. His head broke the surface and he sucked in a breath. It was a struggle just to keep his head above water but somehow, for the most part, he managed. It didn’t change the fact that the water was dragging him to who knew where. On and on he fought, but resisting the river seemed to be an unending struggle he could not win. His arms began to tire. The few breaths he managed to take were short, desperate, and ragged. His vision began to blur, darken, and fade. Just before he passed out, he noted that the water had begun to taste salty. [hr] Karamir awoke, coughing and sputtering. He was extremely uncomfortable, his back laying on a strange beam and a fabric webbing curling in such a way to cause his spine to kink exactly where it is most discomforting. He laid this way in a large umbrella, the shaft pointed up to the midday sky. Across from him sat a woman, her were legs hidden in the puff of a conservative black dress and sickly pink eyes with witching pupils watched him. As the seawater dribbled out, a sharp toothed grin formed on her face. Eventually the coughing began to die down. Karamir sat up, rubbing his spine with grit teeth. He glanced down at the umbrella --which bobbed at the movement-- then at the woman, his expression one of puzzlement. [color=yellow]”Who are you?”[/color] he asked between breaths. “My name is Diana,” She grinned, “Would you like a drink?” She held up a small black cup. Karamir looked around, and noted that, aside from the sea which Kalmar told him was undrinkable, there was no other liquid in sight. He eyed the cup warily. [color=yellow]”What is it?”[/color] he asked. “Water,” She gave a polite nod. [color=yellow]”From where?”[/color] he questioned. She rolled her eyes and took a slurping sip, “My you have a lot of questions, hm?” [color=yellow]”I see no sources of freshwater on this… boat? And if it’s from the ocean then I can’t drink it,”[/color] Karamir informed her. “Well, have you tried?” She said, her voice echoing from the cup. [color=yellow]”No?”[/color] Karamir spoke with confusion. [color=yellow]”Kalmar told me that if there’s salt in it, then it will only make me thirstier.”[/color] She gave a sputtering cackle, what liquid she had yet to swallow spitting back into the cup, “How silly! It's water! Here.” She leaned over to hand him the cup she had been drinking from, “Just try it, and if you don't absolutely love it, I'll get you some of that nasty fresh water you seem so enamored with.” Karamir frowned. He wasn’t sure who she was, or how she planned to get him fresh water when there was none in sight, but a sip would not kill him. He accepted the cup, took a sip, and tasted the salt. His frown deepened, and he promptly spat it back out over the edge. Diana clapped her hands with a certain excitement, “Oh my, you absolutely adore it!” [color=yellow]”I don’t,”[/color] Karamir stated flatly. He looked away from her, toward the coast of Kalgrun, and rolled his eyes. “Oh you,” She flicked her hand and snatched the cup from him. She hummed idly and a little stream of fresh water looped from over the hem of the umbrella and into the cup. She gave it a funny sniff and sipped at it, a look of disgust furrowing her brow. Finally, Karamir looked back at her. [color=yellow]”Which god made you?”[/color] he asked, rather directly. Diana cackled, spilled her drink with a soft ‘whoops.’ After a prolonged bout of laughter she finally cleared her throat and sat up straight, “I [I]am[/I] a god, or at least a good piece of one.” Karamir frowned. [color=yellow]”Kalmar did not speak of you. Which god are you part of?”[/color] he asked skeptically. “Kalmar this, Kalmar that,” She waved her hand back and forth as she spoke, “You spend nine days with the god and you'd think you owe your life to him.” [color=yellow]”No, I don’t owe him anything,”[/color] Karamir protested, and then his eyes narrowed in suspicion. [color=yellow]”How did you know that?”[/color] “You told me, in a way,” She winked and sighed as she looked upwards, “Heliopolis is getting rather hot, huh?” The heat of the sphere radiated off the uncovered black umbrella. Karamir had to agree - it was rather uncomfortable. [color=yellow]”It is… if you’re part of a god, then can’t you do something about it?”[/color] She looked back down and blinked, “Why would I ever do that? Its the perfect level of a dehydrating scorch. I can feel the very air turn to salt on my skin,” she wiped her cheek, a sprinkle of salt falling off, “Splendid!” [color=yellow]”No fresh water… the day is hot… no shade… how am I supposed to survive here?”[/color] Karamir asked, his voice laden with annoyance. “Oh foo,” she waved a dismissing hand, “You'll be fine, just give it a few days. You'll come to love it.” [color=yellow]”I’ll be dead,”[/color] Karamir said flatly. Once more he glanced out at the distant coast of Kalgrun. He would not be able to swim that far. He could pray to Kalmar for aid, but… no, he wouldn’t resort to that so quickly. It seemed he was stuck here for the time being. With a sigh, he laid back on the umbrella and turned his head away from the sun. Hours passed. His thirst grew, but he did not say a word. The sun was low on the horizon, and he felt himself begin to drift off, but he would not let sleep take him. Perhaps that was what she was waiting for, and who knew what would happen to him then? His skin tightened under the radiant heat and he could feel his lips harden. He kept a wary eye on his… savior? Captor? He was not sure how to describe her, but he knew that if this persisted, it would be his death. [color=yellow][i]Maybe I should have tried swimming,[/i][/color] he thought to himself. The smiling Diana suddenly twitched her fingers, and the cup flung from the umbrella bottom and into her hand. She hummed lazily to herself as a spout of water shot from out of eye sight and into the cup. She swirled a finger in it and shivered, “Disgustingly fresh, even.” She scrunched her nose, “and much too chilled.” Karamir’s head perked up, and he rose into a sitting position. His eyes were locked on the cup, but he made no further sound or movement. Was this a trick? She took a sip and immediately recoiled, spitting it out with a “pppbttt!” She snarled, “Horrendous.” Her eyes flickered over the dehydrated man, “I don't suppose you want it?” Wordlessly, Karamir nodded and extended his hand, half-expecting her to revoke the offer. She grinned and leaned forward, offering the cup. As his fingers touched it, it suddenly cracked and then crumbled. It's treasure splattering across the umbrella fabric. Karamir stared at her with a look that expressed complete and utter murderous hatred, his hand still extended. Diana cackled and sniffed behind her sleeve, the cup reforming and the very water slurping back into it, “Oh come now.” She jutted her chin towards the fresh drink, “It's all yours.” Without wasting time, Karamir seized cup and took a tentative sip. The taste was soothing and refreshing, and he detected no trace of salt or other deadly impurities. He quickly began to gulp it down, consuming every last drop, and only pulled it away when it was completely empty. He looked at Diana. [color=yellow]”Thank you,”[/color] he croaked grudgingly. Diana watched with a clearly grossed out yet intrigued look, and as his gratitude came she made a face, “It's no cup of sulfur, but you're welcome I suppose.” [color=yellow]”You never told me… which god are you a piece of?”[/color] he asked, looking down at his sunburned skin. “I'm from the land of nightmares, if that tells you anything,” She mused as she turned to watch the cloudless sky, her eyes directly staring at the sinking Heliopolis. [color=yellow]”Nightmares? What are those?”[/color] “Oh,” A toothy smile formed on her face, “They are wonderful, I'm one even. The more traditional ones only come to the sleeping. They make you appreciate things a little more.” [color=yellow]”They’re dreams?”[/color] Karamir asked, and frowned. [color=yellow]”Am I asleep right now?”[/color] “Oh dear,” She turned away bashfully, “I suppose we are, but no -- you are quite awake.” [color=yellow]”So if you’re from a land of dreams, you were made by…”[/color] Karamir tried to remember the gods Kalmar had spoke of, [color=yellow]”...K’nell? Why are you here?”[/color] Her face quickly fell into a frown and she looked over, “How rude!” She chastised, “I was not made, I am just a piece.” [color=yellow]”My mistake… but why did you come here? Why are you in the sea?”[/color] “Well why are you?” Diana crossed her arms, The umbrella bobbing unsteady. [color=yellow]”I think you know why,”[/color] Karamir answered. If she knew about the time he spent with Kalmar then surely she knew everything else, or at least had the ability to find out? Diana pursed her lips and nodded, “If you must know, I am on a hiatus.” [color=yellow]”Why?”[/color] The familiar one-word question naturally sprang to Karamir’s lips. “Oh I don't suppose that's much of your business,” She pointed a finger, “Now will you be seeing yourself out or shall I settle the guest quarters?” She stared hard, the only thing in the umbrella being the two figures and the dark sky above. [color=yellow]”If I step off this umbrella I’ll drown,”[/color] Karamir pointed out. [color=yellow]”So until we reach land I’ll have to stay.”[/color] “Such a needy creature,” She mumbled, “But miserable.” She nodded to herself and snapped a finger, the umbrella contorting under the hunter into a very uncomfortable looking formation meant for sleep, with bars poking out of the frayed fabric, and sudden itching spots. Karamir frowned as he felt the sudden urge to scratch his already sunburnt skin. [color=yellow]”Why?”[/color] he demanded in exasperation. [color=yellow]”Why did you do that!?”[/color] “Tsk!” She wagged a finger, “You'll see.” The urge overcame him, and he soon found himself scratching at the cracked and reddened skin. He said nothing, and only glared at her in silence. Kalmar had told him that some gods were cruel, but [i]this?[/i] “Oh goodness me,” She cackled, “Let me help.” She snapped her fingers and with an instant of the crack, Karamir was suddenly washed with a pounding urge to sleep, his mind slipping away and his body crumpling. Hours passed, his mind struggling against all manners of nightmares. Darkness swirled and he learned desperation, he found anxiety and succumbed to a certain fear. His mind shattered against the rocks of despair and every step forward was a fatal fall backwards. Scenes flashed and he felt his soul sink, a cold grip on his subconscious. His mind jumped and skipped from one to another, and as time slipped by, his only reprieve was a sudden crack in his eyes. His lids slowly opened to the morning rays. Karamir jolted upward, yet the terror he had just experienced quickly faded in the way of a sudden relief. His sunburn was gone, his energy had been restored and then some. If he wasn’t still on the umbrella, he would have doubted that yesterday’s tribulations had even happened at all. He took a deep breath and stretched his shoulders, feeling an urge to stand or run, yet the disparity between this and his tormented rest kept him down. He had dreamed, but it had never been as horrible as that, nor had his awakenings ever felt as refreshing. [color=yellow]”What did you do?”[/color] he asked Diana. Diana blinked and sat up, sliding a strange orb into a hidden pocket. She smiled wide, “I gave you a nightmare.” Karamir, at the end of the day, had a strong survival instinct. He found himself analyzing both the drawbacks and the advantages of what he had just experienced. It had been horrible, even painful, yes… but the payoff… the payoff had been worth it. His training sessions with Kalmar had been painful, and while they had sharpened his skills, each one had only left him feeling more drained and tired. But this nightmare she had given him? There had been pain followed by refreshment. It felt… it felt worth it, almost. [color=yellow]”Thank you?”[/color] he ventured hesitantly. “There are better ones,’” She gave him a weak look, “Ones that follow you awake, pull you ragged through an entire day, even. You'll have to excuse my hastiness.” She wrenched her wrist, “It's been a long time.” [color=yellow]”A long time since what?”[/color] “Since I made a dream, of course,” Diana sneered. Her eyes glistened, “I once broke the God of virtue against the stones of his own mind. Oh it was glorious, and I -- K'nell knew just what to do. It was seamless, pulling him from the darkest depths of misery and slamming him into paradise. Such a jump, it was a masterpiece. Ever see a broken God lap at happiness?” She didn't let Karamir answer, “It was frightening,” She shivered. Karamir did not know how to respond. He knew little to nothing about Aelius, but he could not imagine Kalmar afraid, or desperate. He had briefly spoken to Phystene, and although Kalmar once told a story in which she had called for aid, Karamir could not imagine her in such a state either. [color=yellow]”I… I can’t imagine what that would look like,”[/color] he finally admitted, his voice soft. [color=yellow]”But if true… the gods are vulnerable after all…”[/color] “Not as vulnerable as you,” She cackled, “Compared to you, they are unbreakable. My, how tiny you are.” She prodded him in the rib, “Do you want some more water?” Karamir only nodded and she handed him the cup. Without thinking, he brought it to his lips and began to drink, but then his eyes widened and he spat a stream of it over the edge. Salt. [hr] [hider=Summary] Karamir comes across the Kalmere River as it has dried up. He decides to take advantage of the opportunity and grab a few fish. It goes well… until the river is fixed. He barely manages to climb out in time, and then a direwolf knocks him back in. He loses his spear and gets washed downriver, eventually ending up in the ocean where he passes out. He wakes up on an umbrella, and Diana is there. She introduces himself and offers him a cup of saltwater, but he refuses to drink any water that isn’t fresh. Hours later, while he is suffering and dehydrated, she finally gives him some drinkable water. She tells him about nightmares, and he concludes that K’nell must have been responsible for her creation. After that, she asks him if he intends to stay or leave. Since leaving would imply stepping into the ocean and drowning, he has no choice but to stay. She quickly makes the umbrella as itchy and uncomfortable as possible, then forces him to go to sleep where he suffers a long and stressful nightmare. He wakes up the next morning, feeling completely refreshed and relieved. Karamir concludes that, given the ultimate result, perhaps the nightmare wasn’t so bad. They talk more of nightmares, and Diana offers him another cup of water. He takes it… only to spit it out when it turns out to be salty. [/hider]