[center][h1]Review Time[/h1][/center] The following below are preliminary reviews to streamline some details and make changes to character sheets that have been applied so far. What is said below is more of a recommendation and what I would like to see as a GM as it is by no means an acceptation of your character. Those accepted will be picked later on. [@Zoey White] This is more of a pet peeve than anything, but could you keep the header? If the issue was that the image was too big, imgur has an resizing tool that you can use to resize Eleanor's FC. That being said, I genuinely like the CS you've brought to the table, mainly owing to the fact that you went for a stubborn man-at-arms, rather than a "true" knight. I do, however, wish to know more about her rise through the ranks rather than a small glimpse about her being "blessed with talent". There are also a few typos I had noticed, such as "blacck" instead of "black" and "steal" rather than "steel". [@Lord Orgasmo] Firstly, I'd like you to expand more on his personality. He has a nature like a paladin would, but it seems vague as of right now, with the only real trait I can see is that he is a good man that will lay down the law if needed. Other than that, the only issue I can see is that I would need you to reduce his rank in his biography. General seems quite high, perhaps he could've been a Lieutenant or Captain instead? [@Finris] As I said to Zoey, please keep the header, and it would probably be a good idea to resize the FC you've chosen. Also, if you could explain a bit more about the runes you mentioned in her inventory, i.e. where she found them and so on. I imagine they'd be glyphs or inscriptions that provide temporary buffs rather than runes, too. [@DrakeEricsen] Honestly, Barrick's sheet is incredibly light and vague. I get that he's a hunter and the son of the king's game warden, but ultimately there needs to be more meat to it, so if you could expand some more, it'd be appreciated. And, as I mentioned before, please keep the header and maybe resize your FC. [@Dumb1And1Lazy] First things first, the header needs to be fixed, and the red needs to be replaced with the green you've chosen. To be honest, however, I'm actually really hesitant to even consider accepting Jack, mainly due to the fact that it is rather clear that he's a character made out to be a bad guy. I know you try to cover up his dealings with fake letters of recommendation and him joining the good guys instead of the bad guys only because the "good guys always win" cliche, but honestly I feel like he'll just be an antagonist that causes friction/trouble within the group, and I've never been keen on characters of that nature. [@TheLazarus] I honestly don't have any big concerns and what not about your CS. You could space out the lettering in the character name header, but that's just a pet peeve of mine. Through, I must ask, why does he carry bronze/silver arrows rather than regular arrows? [@Hero] You know what you did. Nah, I don't really have anything of note for you to change or edit. Maybe space out the character lettering in the header but given her long name it might look messy.