[quote=@souleaterfan320] Shinji:.... well, Theres going to be a hell of a mess with press coverage of what happened, here. Luckily I've already got a team workingon keeping that under wraps and keeping anything that happened here classified. Itll most likely be labeled as a terrorist attack. Now all thats left is to rebuild what structures that were damaged.... *looks to you* But regarding you and your group, I have my own group of people that would most likely wish to meet you. Especially you, specifically. I havent met any universe busters other than the few within my group, so they most likely would wish to become aquainted. [/quote] Fenris (Female Form); [color=silver]Sounds reasonable enough. Let me just recall the others back here...[/color] *Reaches through dimensions and into Driunor, grabbing Ainz, Demiurge, Shalltear, Vinashy, and Simon, before dragging them back into this one. They all appear in a bright flash of light and distorted space on the other side of what was once "the room"*