Hi all. Thanks for your continued interest and dedication to getting posts out, even if it feels a little dead right now. I'm currently in the last throes of the college semester and that means exams, papers, and tests! So I've been really busy, basically. Now, what shall we do about this rp? Honestly, every time I think of this rp ending it makes me want to cry, and even with my lack of time/inspiration, I can't bear to let it go! I just put so much time and effort into it... and everyone's characters are so lovely.... how could I ever end it!? That being said, I am really swamped with schoolwork nowadays, and I foresee even more in the close future. But I still want to continue!! Seeing as a lot of us have been busy / inactive lately, I wonder if it's alright to put this on hold? Or would that kill the interest? What do you guys think?