"You really need to learn how things work in the clan." Julan remarked, crossing his arms, though he soon gave a shrug. "But I guess you did just get here not long ago, so...I guess it makes sense that you don't. Maybe you do just need time." For the first time since the duel started, Julan finally turned his attention back to Rhazii. "But we've been training for long enough already. And I [i]just[/i] got back from Black Marsh, too. I feel like everything has just been all serious for me for weeks. Why don't we do something [i]fun[/i]?" [hr] Ahnasha's ears flattened on her head as her eyes narrowed, and her teeth showed plainly. "Did you not listen to a word I just said? I'm not bothered that you disagree, and if you wanted to argue about it, we could argue about it. It's going to be months still before the portals are complete, and Meesei can always bring us down to Leyawiin in an instant. If you wanted to change my mind, then there was time to argue about it later. So I want to know, Fendros, why you think you had any right to ignore me, ignore my warnings, and [i]force[/i] me to tell my family what [i]you[/i] wanted me to tell them?"