[h2][center]Alter Ego — Meltryllis[/center][/h2] "[i]'You noticed'[/i]? Really? Is that your excuse?" The Alter Ego might have let the problem slide (however slightly) if the girl had been doing it subconsciously, but hearing her confession and halfhearted admission of fault and attempted justification only served to irritate her further. [i]"No, no, Meltryllis. Calm yourself. This child isn't something worth losing your temper over."[/i] With a deep breath, the purple-haired Servant straightened her back and continued to train her eyes on her Master. Her legs, jutting in front of her, almost acted like a barricade of sorts to prevent the target of her ire from even attempting to take a seat on the other side. "Hmph. Well, if you have the mental capacity to realize how rude you are, then I suppose it's a start," Meltryllis replied, watching as the girl walked off somewhere, only to return with a glass of water. The sight of that, of course, gave the Servant an idea—one that would, in theory, fix most of her problems in one swoop. Pushing herself off of the couch, the Alter Ego brushed herself off and brushed past her Master, allowing a few drops of diluted poison to fall into the glass cup in her hand. The result of that was obvious, but if anything, it'd give the both of them some time to think about what to do from here on out. "I'm going to go look around this place you call a 'home'. Go reflect on what you've done, and I [i]may[/i] find it in myself to forgive you this once." [@VitaVitaAR]