Out of all of them, it was Sam who stood up behind her and did a similar pose to that of her own, just much larger, her in his shadow. Naja blew out a bit out of her nose. This amused her, just a tad. Still, it appeared it was her and Sam. No words needed to be exchanged, they knew what to do. Honestly, she looked forward to experiencing fighting side by side with this giant man. Hm, so their enemies were going to pick their opponents? Questionable, but alright. Suppose she could play along. Naja frowned a bit as Pacho picked her. Did he do so because he was interested in fighting her, or just because he didn’t want to fight Sam? … Suppose it didn’t make much of a difference. Starting to lightly jump on her heavy metal feet, Naja turned to him in a fighting stance of her own, [url=https://i.imgur.com/6T6oH5A.png]turned with her left towards him, both hands raised and legs ready to lash out.[/url] [color=ffb75e]‘…’[/color] She could have talked, really. Most assuredly would have if she was facing O-Chul. But this man, as Naja inspected his odd stance and silent persona… suppose they’d do their talking with their limbs. This man held his limbs like if he held a weapon. Naja knew enough to figure she should probably treat him like he actually was. Now, Naja had [url=https://youtu.be/KDgLJsMZmkI?t=8]plenty of grappling techniques[/url] from baji quan to neutralize an opponent coming for her with a weapon, but until she knew what he’d do she’d go with the more long-ranged savate style. To begin with, let’s box his hand. Naja approached from the front and boxed forward at the hand. If he was starting to counter, then she’d be pulling back or attempt countering herself with her grapples. If he started guarding then it was time for another punch at his face and then for a swift kick to his midsection with her left leg while she stood on her right. If he did something unexpected, then she’d deal with it then. It all depended on his reactions. That stance, not to mention how he looked… hm…