[center][img]http://baku-panda.org/images/absolute_billy_logo.png[/img][/center][COLOR=1E90FF][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]T O L M E R I A[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][sup][color=gold]The Andromeda Galaxy[/color][/sup][/INDENT][/INDENT] Contrary to what people might think, there was no user manual or even a [i]how to[/i] guide on how to hero. Instead, from the very moment that Billy had come into possession of powers and abilities beyond his comprehension, it had been a journey filled with mistakes and happenstance victories as he’d just [b]figured it out[/b] for himself. A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, Billy had learned to move faster than a speeding bullet. Because it had been a full-blown [b]world war[/b] and the bullets had filled the air like a terror of locusts, carving out [i]no man’s land[/i] between entrenched positions of soldiers who slowly suffered through a war of attrition, marking time, waiting for either death or victory. That was before he knew that he could fly. Before he’d ever broken the sound barrier or traveled faster-than-light. These days, a guy armed with a pole-ax had [b]no chance[/b]. Arcs of lightning sparked from off the child’s body, as the young Batson casually side-stepped out of the path of the falling axe blade. The polearm froze in the air, the blade mere inches from impacting the ground. A look of confusion passed over Terrax the Pants-less’ face, as it was another moment before the man realized that the boy had snapped a hand up and seized hold of the polearm’s shaft. The weapon seemed to radiate in place, as the boy and the self-described dictator each tested the strength of the other. Then, slowly, Billy started to feel the pole-axe pull away from his grip. Terrax the Pants-less had some serious strength going on. [b]“FOOL!”[/b] the shale-skinned man boomed, boasting “I wield the Power Cos--[i]MUAH!”[/i] As Terrax’s pull strengthened, Billy simply released his hold on the shaft. The sudden loss of tension caused the man to lose his balance, stumbling about as he struggled to find his footing, slipping down on one knee as his boots dug and shifted in the loose sand. [color=#00bfff]“I’m sorry. Were you monologuing?”[/color] Billy asked, feigning innocence, as the youth simply stood there with his hands now tucked into the pockets of the jacket that he wore. Pulling a hand free, he gestured up toward his head as he remarked, [color=#00bfff]“Two-second attention span. I’ll need you to keep it short. Sound bites, not whole sentences. That sort of thing.”[/color] Rising back to his feet, the shale-skinned, towering Goliath adjusted his grip on the pole-axe. “You [b][i]dare[/i][/b] mock Terrax!?” the man bellowed, thrusting the butt of the polearm deep into the ground, like a conquistador planting their flag. Billy just kicked his head to one side as he seemed to let that statement pass. Then, with his other hand, gestured toward Terrax as he said, [color=#00bfff]“Okay, [i]first of all[/i], if you’re gonna make yourself dictator-for-life of a planet you kinda have to be prepared to live with the consequences of being a public figure. And, yeah, it sucks. Been there. I know.”[/color] Didn’t these absolute power types know this? Probably not, owing to the whole absolute power schtick. [color=#00bfff]“But second and [i]most of all[/i], the dude not wearing pants is just going to get what he gets.” [/color] Strong. And fast. There was a brilliant flash, the energy crackling along Billy’s frame as Terrax came barreling forward. With preternatural grace, the young Batson neatly stepped out and around, watching as the gigantic figure went flying past. There was a loud crack of thunder as Terrax slid to a halt, realizing that Billy now stood behind him. [color=#00bfff]“Seriously, it’s like the future out here. We can get you a good set of trousers.”[/color] Terrax was obviously a man who had trained for this. That was okay. Billy had never set out to train to fight anyone, but he’d had to learn. Some folks in the Army had taught him about boxing. The Kymelians had a style of combat that they referred to as [i]kyav zaga[/i]. The Majesdane’s trained their Light Brigade in [i]tor’su’fan[/i]. And the Galadorians just picked up a sword and kicked some ass. The Skrulls? God only knew what they called their fighting styles. Billy had seen a few. And he’d been doing this now for [i]a long ass time[/i]. Raising his arm overhead, Billy blocked the overhead swing that slammed down with the force of several metric tonnes of force. The ground shook with the impact, even as Terrax following up with a kick aimed at catching Billy in the side. Instead, Billy took two steps back and felt the rush of air as the man’s leg swept just an inch away from his face. A pair of hands came at him, as the boy stretched forward and found himself grappling with a pair of hands that were each about the size of his head. “For your [b]insolence[/b], I will find your people and bring about the [b]end[/b] of your pla...” An explosion ripped from out of Billy’s body, as a wave of kinetic energy radiated outward in a sudden release, catching Terrax and lifting him up as he was tossed a short distance away. And there, standing amid the smoldering [b]glass[/b] that surrounded the scorched earth at his feet, Billy just quipped, [color=#00bfff]“Hey, man, I’m not even about to let you do that to these people I never even met before today. And you want to talk about [i]Earth?[/i]”[/color] Unzipping his jacket, the boy shrugged his way out of the red and blue top, allowing it to drop onto the ground. A pair of dog tags hung from his neck, as the boy stepped forward, pounding one fist into the palm of his open hand as he paused to ask, [color=#00bfff]“...how well do you think that’s going to go for you?”[/color]