[center][hr][hr] [url=https://youtu.be/VBlaWzMiZYwhttps://fontmeme.com/celtic-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.net/permalink/190418/f8effdc60881f3e0da857f2be3b34577.png[/img][/url] [img]https://pm1.narvii.com/6867/169d8bcd1a1aca94b41856c0f775e0c2067a023cr1-512-288v2_hq.jpg[/img] [hr][hr] [/center] Renard looked at his teacher when he finally spoke to him. He knew the man was disappointed in him. But man he could be an ass at times. It’s not like he missed it on purpose. He glanced the around the room noting once again, Alice and Jane were missing. He wondered if they were ok. He sighed and followed, looking at the screens one last time before walking out the door rubbing his hands together. They made it to the entrance well before the other students, all the while he moved his Arms or rubbed his hands together building the charge till he was hot to the touch. Students started trickling in from where ever they came. Renard helped the medical staff as much as he could. He felt he needed to do something since he didn’t get to participate. Tossing towels and water bottles to those who needed it, but keeping two large towels draped over his shoulders. He listened to the teacher as he then started his review on them. Personally he felt he was a little too hard on Peter. Getting nit picky over the bus he ‘wasn’t qualified’ to drive. Honestly he would do the same thing even after hearing this. What was he supposed to do wait till someone was qualified to come drive? He didn’t say anything though, as the teacher moved on to other things. He did however stop next to Eira, not saying a word till the teacher finished and pointed their attention to the door. He glanced at her with a tiny smile on his face. He thought her getting herself stuck was hilarious and she looked extra pissed than she normally was. It was actually pretty cute. Whispering so the teacher wouldn’t hear. [color=BCC127]“Ya know… I love how you literally ice-olated yourself out there. It was really cute.”[/color] He said trying to suppress a smile. Before she could answer he slipped one of the towels off his shoulder, despite her having one he tossed it at her. Knowing she probably wouldn’t accept it from him. But once she would touch it, she would realize it was hot. From resting on his charging body the entire time. He knew she would probably still be cold and at least he hoped to help her stop shivering. [@Aviaire]