Meche listened to Rowan speak about his plans for this hunt tomorrow. She nodded along as she listened to these additional details regarding the plan for those hunting. It seems like they might temporarily split if the adventurers aren't willing to come along for the investigation the guards would be conducing. They would also need to come back before it got too dark. Although despite the danger, poking around at night might be productive. "We will arrive with our own equipment and mounts. You don't need to worry about lending us anything." She said to him. Now as the conservation came to its ending she then added, "It's been a pleasure talking to you. Anyway, we'd never do something so boorish like that. We have a threat that might be bigger than what we're used to dealing with, and so we have a responsibility to take care of it. We want the best cooperation possible to do this, so something that hostile wouldn't work in our favor. Now as for that coffee, I just need enough to finish this assignment." She'd then leave and go downstairs and take some coffee. Although honestly, she'd rather have a beer to cozy up to. But that would have to wait as she need to report back. The events back at HQ were important but rather boring and dry. She replied to her superiors what her conversation with the Guildmaster entailed along with the details for this hunt. She was told she would be heading this hunt, which suited her fine.