Shadow was the son of the last guild master. So it was natural for him to sit and seem to be lost in his thoughts being back home for the first time in quite a long while. But while he put on a face of someone that didn't know what was going on around him at all. That was the farthest thing from the truth. He eyes glance over to the shadows hiding a male that had come in through the one room that Shadow had no desire to enter again. A single room that he was in and made sure nothing of him remained in it. But moving on from those thoughts he gives a light chuckle at hearing a window break. That one was much easier to notice. And would have to be beaten out of the recuit that caused such a noise. Assassins are not loud. they should be nothing but a whisper. The only thing giving the male in the shadows away. the faint rasp of hand sliding over his weapon hilt. Shadow stays still for a moment before grinning and standing up " Well if you're trying to kill me you might as well come out of the shadows. After all you already gave yourself away. Years of training does wonders for the ears. As for the other one. You will have a lot of work ahead of you. I know the invites were sent to skilled people. Didn't realize it was given to the most noisy people around." As he determined. a test was in order to see if they would make it in the guild. So why wait to start.