[hider=Magdalene, The Night Mother] [hr] [center][color=DarkSlateBlue][h2]M A G D A L E N E[/h2][/color][/center] [hr] [center][color=DarkSlateBlue][sup]The Night Mother • Grandmother Night • Old Hag • Black Wytch • Mother Magdalene[/sup][/color][/center] [h3]M Y T H[/h3] [color=DarkSlateBlue][sub]N A M E[/sub][/color] [indent][color=gray]Magdalene[/color][/indent] [color=DarkSlateBlue][sub]G E N D E R[/sub][/color] [indent][color=gray]Female[/color][/indent] [color=DarkSlateBlue][sub]A L I G N M E N T[/sub][/color] [indent][color=gray]Neutral Evil[/color][/indent] [color=DarkSlateBlue][sub]V I S A G E[/sub][/color] [indent] [hider=Mother] [indent][color=gray]The Night Mother is an old, yet rather tall and athletically built woman who has seemingly see. over two thousand years of history play out before her eyes in the span of a mere moment. While divines may be functionally immortal, Magdalene’s form seems not beyond the clawing fingers of time, on the other hand, some speculate that the hearing the secrets of the universe took a toll on her. Whatever the inescapable force may be, it has given her slightly hunched shoulders and a rounded upper back that drops her final height to just under 6 feet, when adjusting posture, she stands at about 6’3”. Her skin is slightly tanned with innumerable brown spots that have appeared more frequently with her advanced age. Age has left its marks on her face, with deep wrinkles set around her mouth and bags beneath her eyes that hold the weight of all she has seen within them. Above those bags are a set of vanta black eyeballs, that seem to have uncanny ability to convey every sort of emotion. With nothing more than a look she can comfort a soul who has seen the tragedies of war. And in another moment, she can stare with such ferocity that she can convey the pernicious wickedness that twists within her soul. Since conception, the Night another has preferred a singular hair style—she keeps it tied in a pong braid with two larger bangs that frame her face. Her hair beautifully gray, she sees no need to go through the trouble of styling it differently. She does not wear jewelry, has never had her ears pierced, and likely never will. Should her plain dress and seemingly ornate shaw ever become marred with dirt or blood, she invariably cleans it the moment she finds herself at peace and able to see to its care. [/color][/indent][/hider][/indent] [h3] H Y M N S[/h3] [color=DarkSlateBlue][sub]P O R T F O L I O[/sub][/color] [indent][color=gray][b]Secrets:[/b] are the things kept hidden from sight. Concealed from the light and left locked deep within the flesh of the soul, only seeing day in the hushed whispers of gossip and rumor. It is within this space, that the Night Mother finds herself most at home, within the shrouded sin, the lowest hiding place, and the concealed message. Here she thrives, leaving ears and eyes where none should be in order to hear what is whispered, and to witness what should not be witnessed. A collecter of such secrets, she calls those far and wide, with the burden of quiet wrongdoing weighing on their soul, to her abode, to confess to her in confidence, and from this does she gain the utmost pleasure. As a divine of secrets, Mother Magdalene hides in shadows, moving in the darkness and remains hidden within it always. Her servents crawl into the homes and castles of the unsespecting, watching and listening, stealing the secrets of those unaware to return to their master with honeyed words yet revealed to the world.[/color][/indent] [h3] P E R S O N A L I A [/h3] [color=DarkSlateBlue][sub]P E R S O N A[/sub][/color] [indent][color=gray] At first glance, one would be mad consider Mother Magdalene anything other then the epitome of a grandmother; compassionate, kind, warm, and extremely hospitable, never one cast away a person in need, and generous to what many would consider a fault. Those who make the pilgrimage to her sacred grounds, never leave with empty stomachs and heavy shoulders for the Night Mother always listens, always forgives, and always loves, any and all who come to her. Further encapsulating her grandmotherly nature, the wisdom and sheer expanse of experience she radiates draws beings from all walks of life to her. She is a living library—a woman who has seemingly observed almost all there is to know in the world. Anything one may ask she knows the answer to, for the wind carries the answers to all things and only she can hear its whispers. Any sin one may commit, once it is confessed, is forgiven and forgetten, fore all sins are blotted out once they leave the secrecy of darkness and are brought into the light. Yet, the truths of the Night Mother’s personality are hidden beneath an extremely time-honored veneer. Since inception has she been adept at putting on a facade of kindness and modesty, tricking people into believing that she was, and still is, a simple and sincere woman. Beneath this facade is a desire spawned from the bubbling cauldron of greed and jealousy, to be kept from nothing and to know everything. So she takes what is hidden in the dark, engorging herself on the confessions of her disciples, alviating them of their burden, yet leaving them unknowingly less whole then before. Utterly selfish and frugal, the Night Mother believes not in the concept of morals or ethics, only taking pleasure in her work as the Hearer of The Unheard and all that is kept from the light. Nothing short of the complete entropy of the soul itself will stop the Night Mother from taking a secret from a being, making her not stranger to manipulation and physical combat. The Night Mother will always listen. [/color][/indent] [color=DarkSlateBlue][sub]H Y M N[/sub][/color] [indent][youtube]https://youtu.be/tfAzN_8JnRs[/youtube][/indent] [color=DarkSlateBlue][sub]W O R D O F C O D E[/sub][/color] [indent][color=gray]BBeast 1v1 Me.[/color][/indent] [/hider]