Rendyl gave Tony a reassuring pat on the shoulder and a nod to his question, smiling her thanks to his concern. She undoubtedly liked him the most. He seemed to be the only one who genuinely cared, and it kept coming back to her that he reminded her of an uncle or overprotective brother. But she couldn't dwell on Tony for long, her revere broken by quips from a few other members of the crew. As she turned her attention to the pair talking to her, her expression hardened and everyone at the table might feel a subtle sensation of tension decend. Setting her hand facedown, the girl reached up under her hair and fiddled with something around her ear a moment before tossing an earring onto the pot. It wasn't money, but it appeared to be far more than your average trinket from a giftshop. A single green gem encircled by gold inlay that hung from a embellished R. She tapped Tony on the shoulder and signed for a few seconds, all the while holding that firm expression of determination as she pointed at Astrid and Josk in turn.