[B]Character Name:[/b] Prince Phillip the Dragonslayer [B]Player:[/b] Big Dread [B]Movie of Origin:[/b] Sleeping Beauty [B]Additional Sources:[/b] The Grimm Fairy Tales [B]Age:[/b] 23 [B]Reference:[/b] https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.8VBsIv_OJdtka5cGHFa-vAHaFh [B]Personality:[/b] Phillip is the picture of nobility and Courtly Love. His extensive education and indoctrination has made him into a man who is reflexively honorable of graceful. He has taken the lessons to heart and takes his role as heir and nobility of the land very seriously. He stands to protect the common folk from the chaos of anarchy, the evil of dark magic, and, themselves if need be. He strives to be honest and just in all of his dealings and to undertake all of his goals with passion and focus. His passion sometimes spurs him to what would rightfully be called foolish action, but, his fixation and some luck have carried him to victory in many pursuits. [B]Abilities:[/b] - Etiquette: Being high nobility demands a certain level of refinement and grace. Phillip has been schooled since he was a young boy and has internalized the lessons well. Phillip conducts himself with purpose, grace, and, respect in all dealings. These lessons extend past merely behavior as well, including all courtly things such as conversation, dance, and, dinning. - Chevalerie: The art of soldiery and horsemanship, as taught to Phillip from the early age of eight years to his current age. He has been trained by the best and most experienced teachers in the land in all aspects military, should he ever needed to be called to arms by his father. While he lacks exceptional combat experience in war he has a educational and practiced basis of skill unmatched by those without the status and coin of royalty. - Education: As his training in the sword and court, so too is his mind tempered. Early days filled with training for both body and intellect. Schooled in the classic texts of drama, poetry, logic, linguistics, and, history. Phillip’s education would be outmatched only by other more rich and powerful royalty. - Malleus Maleficas: While he did not have education of this kind in his youth, he has dedicated himself to understanding and combating the forces of dark magic wherever he should find them. Quizzing the three fairies and those hedge-witches in his kingdom in matters arcane have expanded Phillip’s understanding of magic and cemented a strong sense of antagonism to magic of all kinds, but, dark forces most of all. [B]Flaws:[/b] - Emotional - Foolishly Brave - Hostile toward magic - Classicist [B]Companion(s):[/b] - Samson, the Steed: The trusty steed Samson, faithful and devoted companion to the prince. A horse bred and trained for riding as well as war is already a force on its own, but, Samson seems to possess an intelligence and loyalty uncommon in other equine examples. Samson himself seems to also have internalized the near fearlessness of his rider, galloping straight into the path of a dragon and braving the fires of hell without balking at the task. He now remains Phillips companion and friend in his frequent travels. [B]Brief History:[/b] Once just a prince, Phillip found himself embroiled in a struggle like nothing he had seen before. He learned in the course of a short time that the world was far stranger and more dangerous than he thought. The forces of evil, and, Satan were certainly alive and well in the world. Being armed with The Sword of Truth and Shield of Virtue, he slew the sorceress Maleficent when she transformed herself into a dragon and brought light to the kingdom of his now bride. This experience changed Phillip significantly. He started to wonder more about the forces of dark magic and began to see them around every corner. He saw that his ignorance was leading him to paranoia and fear, two traits unbefitting of an heir to the throne, and, consort to a queen. He dedicated himself to seeking out what knowledge he could from the hedge witches and wise women of his lands. The only way to defeat the darkness was to know it. While he spent as much time as he could in court, learning from his father and spending time with Rose, he always found himself in far flung hamlets learning what he could about the Great Enemy. In time, he had accumulated knowledge of the occult enough to corrupt him. However, he kept from using the powers and turned his wit to destroying that which he now knew instead of turning it to his own ends. His sword and shield, blessed and pure, turned aside the witchery of dark forces and struck down evil in a single stroke. Phillip The Dragon Slayer, soon gained quite the reputation as a royal witch hunter in the short time after his experiences with Maleficent.