Normally, exotic and potentially dangerous creatures were held in the stables outside of the city walls, but Leaps enjoyed a certain privileges, ostensibly based on his physical needs. As a cold-blooded reptile from Black Marsh, Leaps benefited from the warm air in the steam-powered city, compared to the cooler air of the cavern. Meesei had enchanted his saddle to help keep him warm when needed, but the wamasu was not going to tolerate wearing it [i]all[/i] the time. He was kept well-fed, so he had never actually done anything beyond frighten some of their other beasts of burden, but nevertheless, the stablemaster had insisted upon some additional precautions. For one, he was kept out of the way of where most of the city's denizens would usually go, in one of the corners up against the city walls just to the east of the gate. As well, the stall he was kept in at night, and when not being tended to by his caretakers, was more like a cage made from salvaged Dwemer metal, rather than flammable wood. Upon arrival, Julan unlocked the gate, though did not open it entirely at first. Rather, he slipped inside alone, claiming to want to check up on him first to make sure he was awake. It was partially true, but for the most part, he just wanted to make sure he was awake to give Narsi the biggest surprise. Being that both Julan and Rhazii had been away for weeks, Leaps showed his excitement the moment he saw Julan. Even from the outside, the sounds the wamasu made shuffling around his stall would give some hint as to his size. He was not technically "fully-grown", since a wamasu could grow throughout their lives, but he was an adult. When Julan did finally open the gate, he threw it open all at once. The wamasu would certainly be a new sight for Narsi. For first impressions, it was hard not to see him as a massive and dangerous predator. He was dark-green scaled, with multiple rows of spikes down his back and sides. Two of the spikes down the center of his head appeared almost like horns, and of course, he had teeth like a Daedroth, if not larger. Two of the teeth on the bottom row were long like tusks, not unlike those of an Orc. [hr] "You have no idea how hard I have to try to resist the desire to slap you across your face." Ahnasha growled, narrowing her eyes at him. Though, it was only a few seconds before she closed her eyes and sighed. "I don't know why I'm bothering to argue this with you, though. There's no point. I might have to end up telling them everything, no matter what I want, because I'll have no choice. Like I said, I have no idea if they bought my excuses. I could see that doubt in their eyes, regardless of what they actually said to me. I can be pretty convincing...but you told them to their faces that I was lying." Again, Ahnasha poked her finger into Fendros' chest. "If they don't believe me, it will be because [i]you[/i] told them I was lying. If they don't accept the truth when I'm forced to tell it, and everything I've done for years to build a relationship with my family goes to waste, it will be because [i]you[/i] told them. For all I know, you could be right. Telling them the truth might work, and it might be the best thing I could do, I don't know. was [i]my[/i]choice to make, Fendros. You betrayed me. You betrayed all the trust I thought I could have for you as my mate, as my [i]husband[/i]. Whatever happens's because of the choice you stole from me."