[Center][Img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/560410270153834496/566769118884134916/28f45324074f58f8be1c42dec03a643d--a-character-character-design-1.jpg[/img][/Center] [hr][color=burlywood][right][B]Location:[/b] [i]Saito no Kureraisu[/i] | [b]Time:[/b] [i]Morning[/i] [B]Interactions:[/b] [@Vox][@Odin][@FourthKing][/right][/color][hr] Masae could not contain the small chuckle that escaped as he watcher Hikari profusely apologise to the Matsushima's. Only the Sunbeam of Amegakure no sato would forget to invite someone to an after party at their own family restaurant. Thoroughly amused at the situation, the effeminate boy gazed about the room. He saw so many happy faces and carefree smiles, children who seemed to be completely unaware of the danger they had agreed to put themselves through for the sake of their village. His amuses grin fell at the idea, briefly wondering if he himself was prepared for that same danger. These thoughts lingered throughout the duration of the party and only settled, slightly, when he decided that it was time for him to leave. He arrived home shortly after having excused himself from the restaurant, only to be met with a sight that he was unprepared to see. His mother was on her knees before the small shrine in the living room, a single picture of a man with white hair and pale yellow eyes. Her late husband, his father. Keeping himself quiet and out of sight, he listened as his mother prayed. [Color=goldenrod]"What am i going to do Shirai? Our child has your bullheadedness and refuses to listen to reason. I dont want him to face the hardships that we did, to meet you in the afterlife long before he's had a chance to truly live!"[/color] Asane cried before her late love's altar, voice thick with emotion. Furiously, she tride to rid her face of the tears as she continued, [color=goldenrod]"If only you were here, perhaps he'd listen to you."[/color] With tears threatening to spill from his own pale orbs, Masae crept up to his room quickly. He couldn't bare to continue to intrude on such an intimate and private moment. [hr][Right][Color=burlywood][b]Location:[/b][i] Yakuzaishi no Takamori - Takamori Apothecary[/i] | [b]Time:[/b][i] Afternoon[/i] [B]Interactions:[/b] [@Odin][@Vox][/color][/right][hr] As the break between team assignments and meetings began, the young man found himself spending most of his time either training or working at his mother's apothecary shop. There was a strange tension between them since the day of graduation. They had not spoken more than idle pleasantries or the occasional "pass the salt" at the dinner table since then. He didn't know how to breach the subject of what he had overheard that day without it being extremely uncomfortable. So, he has simply dedicated his time to the shop and training since. It was while he was out delivering medicine that he caught sight of Hikari and Sadako shopping. He hadn't wanted to intrude and simply greeted the duo before saying farewell, though not before agreeing to go on an outing with Hikari and a few others at a later date. He caught himself blushing when he thought of the day, not used to going out with others due to his dedication to training. He was pleasantly surprised that shortly after he recieveda note from his sensei, that he was to be on the same team as the silverette. [hr][Color=burlywood][right][b]Location:[/b][i] Amegakure Temple[/i] | [b]Time:[/b][i] Early Morning, 4AM[/i] | [B]Interactions:[/b] [@Vox][@FourthKing][@MesuOkami][/right][/color][hr] On the day that he was meant to meet with his team, Masae found himself waking up much earlier than he had expected. Whether that was sue to nerves or excitement, even he couldn't tell you. Nevertheless, he rose from his bed and started to go about his usual morning routine before starting some light chakra control training. The exercise was rather experimental, using one's chakra to balance the tip of a kunai on their finger. Needless to say, he was cut quite a few times. After trying, and failing to complete the exercise for the fifth time in a row, the blond decided to head to the temple. It was still as dark as night outside, the low lighy peaceful as the young medic tried to clear his head of all the thoughts about what was to come. Taking his time to arrive, it wasn't long before he met up with his teammates and the three of them were escorted by one of the priestesses to a dark haired woman with a ponytail that seemed to exude an aura of strength and tranquility. This was their sense - Amaya. Having been entranced by the aura of the Jonin, Masae was caught off guard when she told him to introduce himself first. Saying the first thing that came to mind with a blush, the effeminate genin spoke. [color=burlywood]"I'm Takamori Masae and I am working to be the greatest medic in the elemental nations."[/color] He sputtered slightly when his response registered with himself. Before he could second guess it he continued, eyes locked on the floor, [color=burlywood]"My hobbies are studying anatomy and medicine as well as training my chakra control. I hope that we can all get along and live to be successful shinobi.[/color] When he was finished speaking he simply gestured to Suko, too flustered to voice his request that he speak next.