“It’s…. just a photo, a still image caught by science magic. Has no detection powers besides using it as a reference like I’m doi….” Jack’s sentence dwindled to silence as disappointment squeezed his heart. There wasn’t much point in explaining any further. Piper hadn't seen Hannah. Not like Jack didn’t expect that, honestly, but what shy hope he did have just became that little bit shyer. Still, it wasn't Piper's fault, and he refrained from appearing upset while slipping the photo away and giving Piper a small nod to thank him. “It’s okay. I’ll find her somehow.” He elaborated on the sentiment while honouring Pipers wishes by slipping the watch back on his wrist. “I’m glad you enjoyed the meal.” Jack’s last sentence may or may not have been heard by Piper, since as he was speaking Piper's attention would have been interrupted by an outside influence, and this time it was [i]not[/i] the sound of Cheryl’s whistle. It would be a feeling that perhaps Piper wasn’t accustomed to. An immense foreboding presence watching him from nearby, like a tower looming over him, yet far away at the same time. Distance unknown. This dark, eerie sensation was part of a telepathic link; a deep audio reverberating through Pipers mind and trembling his little body like a rag of wild horses passing by. Such tremendous force, indicative of a mighty beast drunk on poisonous quantities of power: [b][i]“Little one, be sure she brings the outworlder, lest your days be numbered like the scales upon my bloodied crest.”[/i][/b] The link to Pipers mind was severed as Cheryl, like the telepathic message had been a prelude to her arrival, entered through the door to declare her persisting disdain for Jack - Jack, who turned in his seat at the sound of her voice, though not at all surprised to see her there. “There you are.” He said, face distorted with a crooked grin. “Was kinda wondering when you’d show up again. Rush off to make your daily quota of kills, did ya?” His foot pushed back a chair to welcome her to the table. “Take a seat, why don’t ya, share the tale of your latest victory in battle.” Though Jack’s words were obviously those of jest, he had a sneaking suspicion Cheryl wasn’t about to come lightly, especially when right at that moment his phone alerted him of yet another incoming text. He sighed, then mumbled to himself; “I should really check my messages.”