Ah. You make a lot of sense. I have made a large amount of errors by both being nonsensical and vague. It's actually laughable that, before being talked down about it, I first considered making a Darth. I see now that creating a sheet for something as simple as an apprentice is both beyond my understanding and out of my reach. When I first created this character, I had pulled all my SW knowledge from what I could remember from KOTOR and whatever I could find on the wiki about the time period. After reading over all the provided materials, I was still confused about places like "So we're acknowledging some of the prequels stuff, does that mean the Original and Prequel trilogies are fair game?" And "If Teräs Käsi was created around 30 years ago IC, how is Arden Lyn a master of it if she was around during the First Great Schism?". But I made a character anyway, fumbling in my ignorance, instead of consulting a GM because I didn't want to be a bother. I can understand now that being vague, as to not break continuity by accident and ruin my sheet, has ironically ruined my sheet with the lack of details. And then the coincidences that happen to my character. I mean, I keep comparing him to young Anakin, but he's not really that special. Not special enough for the Force to alter his fate like it did for the characters in the movies, anyway. But I don't think I can change anything for the sake of just remaking his entire backstory and parts of his sheet, with everything hinging on certain improbable events happening. Sort of set myself up without a failsafe, there. But, y'know, enough complaining about stuff in hindsight. I've come to the conclusion that I was [i]waaaay[/i] over my head in this. So, unwilling to change my sheet and character further and possibly cause more errors in both logic and continuity with my itty-bitty brain, I'm declaring this Denied. Thanks for looking over the sheet (painful as it must have been), pointing out the flaws, and offering avenues of positive change, Persistent World Mods. Hopefully, someone wanting to create a character can look over my sheet and see what [b]not[/b] to do. Maybe even Frankenstein some of the few good aspects and create an [i]actual[/i] Force Monk. I'm sorry to have wasted your time and effort. But thanks for giving me a shot. -Tim