Claude sat in a back row seat, feeling the wind whip through her hair and scratching at her ankle with her other foot. Her feet hurt. It probably had something to do with the big, clompy boots Mr. Colles had insisted she out on for the trip. They would be hiking, after all. Roughing it. Couldn't rough it in flip flops, they were antithetical to the whole concept. She couldn't remember the last time she'd worn proper shoes, and had been about to explain that here soles were basically nothing but callous at this point when the sun had caught him just right to highlight those rugged good looks and her argument had dribbled out of her mouth along with the drool. Oh well, It was the only complaint she had about the situation. She hadn't been out in the woods like this since the big [i][b]Rumble in the Pines[/b][/i] and was fully prepared to make the most of it. Sleeping outside, heating on a roaring fire, be serenaded to sleep at night by crickets, it'd be just like when her and mama were on the road and didn't have the money for a good hotel. She hadn't been allowed to attend this retreat before, same as how she hadn't been allowed to fight, until she was at at least a high school reading level and the contrast between the free, open air and those boring classrooms invigorated here like nothing else. Not to mention... She glanced down at the special bag she'd set beside her, filled with containers of peanut butter she'd been saving since she hear she was going on this trip. Nestled amount them was a video camera and some plaster of paris she'd pilfered from the art class. There was no better time and no better place to hunt her down some squatch.