[img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLmMyMTgwMC5WSGRsYkhabElFWnZkWEowZVNCR2FYWmwuMAAA/vtks-demolition.regular.png[/img] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLmMyMTgwMC5SR2x1YVc1bklFaGhiR3csLjAAAAAA/vtks-demolition.regular.png[/img] As time went by, the hall only grew louder as more students poured into the space. The sky outside cleared up and the moon shone brightly in the midnight sky. A flock of charmed paper butterflies fluttered around the room, settling periodically on people’s head before taking off again. [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLmMyMTgwMC5RWEpsYm1FLC4wAAAAAAAA/vtks-demolition.regular.png[/img] [sub][right]Interacting with: [@ReusableSword][/right][/sub] hortly after settling into his routine, Vicor would have been aware of something brushing gentle against his mind. It seemed curious, touching just briefly and then vanishing. It wouldn’t have been anything to care about but a group of students stepped silently into the Arena. It started with three mages, older students by what Victor could tell, who stood watching him for a while, faces as animated as if they were holding a conversation but their lips never moved. The rest arrived in pairs of two, putting themselves between the three mages and Victor, until 16 mages stood in the Arena sands as they watched Victor. Their faces all twitched in reaction to something simultaneously as they watched with various levels of boredom or amusement or fear. Things changed finally when a boy came stumbling into the Arena and every head turned to watch him almost landed in the sand as he caught his breath. He sent a pleading look toward the first three who entered but grimaced and rose again, making his way to the Astorio. [color=C0F750]“Ah, uh, hi, excuse me?”[/color] The mage asked hesitantly, hesitant to approach. [color=C0F750]“We have something to ask you, if you don’t mind that is?”[/color] Downstairs, Hannah yelped as she clutched at her head. Her homework went flying and she stood, a quiet incantation sending them back to her desk with a wave of her hand, as she made her way upstairs. Athena threw her a questioning look but Hannah waved her off with a [color=FB3838]“All hands on deck apparently.”[/color] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLmMyMTgwMC5Vbmx1WlhJZ1QyWm1hV05sLjAAAAAAAAA,/vtks-demolition.regular.png[/img] [sub][right]Interacting with: [@WeepingLiberty][/right][/sub] Amaris made it halfway to her destination when Princess Ryner’s personal mages silently fell into step next to her. Both mage’s maintained a cool air of neutrality, faces blank as the guided her towards the main administrative building in silence. Amaris was guided into the building and up a set of stairs tucked neatly away into a corner that lead to two landings. The first landing, the group continued past but a hallway stretched away from the stairs with only a few doors breaking the monotone walls. The second landing was much smaller. It had a waiting area with a few plush chairs and a coffee table. Some music played softly out of a gramophone in the corner and a tower of records stood next to it. The pair of mages didn’t stop. William knocked twice sharply and stepped off onto the side of the door, as did Sariel, bothat attention as the door opened when Ryner called “Enter!” Ryner’s office on property was far more sterile than her one at home. A painting of the Queen hung on one wall surrounded by a variety of plants while a few bookshelves lined the other. Two leather chairs, upright and rather uncomfortable looking, sat in front of her desk on which Amaris’s book lay open. A bottle of blood and two glasses sat near her. [color=bc8dbf]“Would you care for a glass of blood, Countess?”[/color] The Princess asked as she gestured for the Countess to sit. [color=bc8dbf]“It may make explaining how you came to be in the possession of such a dangerous artifact a little easier.”[/color]