Zach is pleasantly surprised when the priest moves in for a hug, especially when he was so uncomfortable with the touching before. The hair-petting is a little condescending, but he supposes he will take what he can get. He makes sure to stay tense for a few long moments, before eventually relaxing into the hug. He even brings up his arms to return the hug, though he keeps it light for now. It's good that Kiel still wants to help, even though that help seems to come with a heap of infantilization for now. As shown by the slightly teasing question that follows. "Yeah priest, I know how to make hot leaf juice," Zach rolls his eyes. He knows it won't make him look any older, but he can't be perfect. When he heads to the kitchen area, Sarah appears in the doorway of the spare room, eyes wide and haunted. She makes a beeline for Kiel, burying her face in his shirt without saying a word. Zach takes the opportunity to busy himself with putting the kettle on. He makes a hot cup of tea for Kiel, and then a smaller one that he cools with milk and a little honey for Sarah. She also gets a cookie to go with it when he brings it to them, but he doesn't stick around while the priest works his calming magic on the girl. He likes using her as a contrast to make the priest see how he is not a 'little one', but that can wait until she feels better. Instead he sets to taking out some sheets and pillows to make up a bed for himself on the couch. He'd enjoyed the chance to get close to the priest before, and the bet had payed off. It had also made it clear just how much he was not ready to see Zach as an equal. So distance it would be, for now at least. Just until Kiel was in the right frame of mind to actually enjoy the closeness Zach would eventually pursue. He's still going to slip into his dreams, of course. Just because he's changing his tactics, doesn't mean he can't satisfy his curiosity along the way.