[hider=Martin Caldwell] [h1]Martin Caldwell[/h1] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/d9/46/d7/d946d74cbf8276636961c8b42a51ae90--strange-history-hp-lovecraft.jpg[/img] [hr] [hider=OIA Designation] [u][b]Race:[/b][/u] Human [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Male [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 53 [u][b]Psychological Profile[/b][/u](Personality) Dr. Caldwell is a man who lives for his work, his devotion to the occult and esoteric straining the relationship between himself and what family he has left. For him the search for truth and understanding is never-ending, every discovery providing further questions into the nature of all things. This obsessive behavior often compels the good doctor to lock himself away for hours or days on end within his office, attempting to decipher the messages hidden between the lines of ancient texts. His work with the OIA has only exasperated this behavior, as now it is not only his personal development, but the lives of innocents which lie within the secrets of these tomes and artifacts. As such, Dr. Caldwell views his work with a degree of seriousness bordering on the sacred. He has no time for fools, incompetents, or folks who expect him to do all the thinking for them. This often leads him to become frustrated with coworkers, as the divide between himself and those outside his chosen field and department becomes ever greater with each tome he processes. What's more, he has become rather protective of the various volumes and manuscripts which fill the archives of the OIA, acting as steward and administrator over each precious scrap of information. More than once he has chewed out some greenhorn or investigator for mishandling the materials which he has dedicated his life to. In one particularly heated incident, the poor officer found himself with a concussion, after the ripping of a bound book caused Dr. Caldwell to launch a paper-weight at his head. [u][b]Background[/b][/u](Character Bio) Born and bred in Arkham Massachusetts, Martin Caldwell's early life was largely uneventful. Good schooling, financially secure and loving household, several siblings and good friends. A typical American childhood with all manner of mundane trials and tribulations which in retrospect would not be worth mention. Martin's life would not really become anything of note till his enrollment in the famed Miskatonic University of his own Arkham. A boyhood love of history, mysteries, and religious studies would eventually grow into a prospective career for young Martin. While studying those subjects dearest to him, Martin met the man who would change his life forever: Dr. Wallace Shale, Professor of American History and an avid student of the Occult. Attending a lecture on the witch trials and folklore of the surrounding areas during the colonial era, Martin found a kindred spirit in his professor. To the young man's credit, he proved to be a quick witted and delightfully eager student for Dr. Shale to take under his wing. So it went for over a decade, Martin being inducted into the mysteries of the occult by his newfound master while still studying those more mundane subjects of life. In time he received multiple degrees, using the knowledge he had gained to the benefit of his esoteric teachings by translating and documenting rare and powerful tomes of arcane and religious lore. When the time was right, Dr. Caldwell was introduced by his friend and mentor to the Hermetic Order of the Silver Twilight; an esoteric society dedicated to the understanding and subjugation of the occult for the betterment of its members and (to a lesser degree) mankind. It was here that he truly began to thrive, working tirelessly as agent and broker for the Silver Twilight. With the aid of his brothers and their many agents, he faced the horrors of the world, and thanks to the dedication of his mentor, walked back largely unscathed from these encounters. Contacting cryptids and spirits, brokering goods and knowledge, bribing and stealing from competitors, and a mile long list of other sordid business. When their long hidden world of monsters and sorcerers was at last revealed to the modern public, many of the Silver Twilight saw both disaster and opportunity. Martin of course was of the latter demeanor, using his years of experience to become a more public authority on those subjects occult, while keeping his business with the Silver Twilight close to his chest. In time he would join a fledgling OIA, capitalizing on their need to understand the forces they now needed to fight and defend. Decades of experience and hands on field work made Dr. Caldwell invaluable to the agency's early days, providing all manner of artifacts, fonts of lore, contacts, and a rather large pool of resources courtesy of private individuals who have a vested interest in keeping the OIA as informed as they should be (and no more). Over the past decade, Dr. Caldwell has risen to the position of Senior Archivist, one which carries some degree of administrative power within Research and Development. In addition to curating their collection of esoteric knowledge, budgetting and interdepartmental affairs now cross his desk as well. There is little that goes on within the department that he does not know of, and that which falls between the cracks is never lost forever. [u][b]Assigned Division:[/b][/u] Research and Development (Senior Archivist) [u][b]Specialization[/b][/u] Research and information gathering Translation Acquisitions Occult philosophy and theory [u][b]Training[/b][/u] PhD of Religious Philosophy A Masters Degree of Library Science A Masters Degree of Linguistics Training in the practice of ritual magick [u][b]Relevant Experience[/b][/u] Decades of work in the care, procurement, and sale of rare books. Long-standing member of the Hermetic Order of the Silver Twilight. Archivist of lore and artifacts for the OIA since its early days. [u][b]Notes[/b][/u] Dr. Caldwell has taken great lengths to tattoo and ritually scar his bare flesh with all manner of protective and powerful symbols, a measure which he thought necessary for his work with the Silver Twilight. Martin has his own personal grimoire, which has slowly but surely grown thicker after years of access to the OIA archives and become an invaluable tool for his development and defense against forces of the dark and shadowed places of the universe. [/hider] [/hider]