Darin watched Ridahne’s performance with an almost reverence. It was beautiful, and it answered the question on whether or not the Elf knew if they were being dramatic or not. There was no way this was accidental. On the other hand, Darin’s entrance was much less impressive. She just walked into the glade. She glanced at then men and was suddenly struck to do something. The Seed didn’t seem to care about that. That only made Darin more eager to do the stupid thing she did next. She stood closer to Ridahne than to the two men, but she still asked, “Who are you? Why are you doing this?” Darin wanted to know why the men were looking to steal from other people. She was hoping that if she knew the motives behind their actions it might lead her to a better understanding of what evil was. That was an understanding the young woman thought she desperately needed. She couldn’t plant The Seed without having at least some idea. It was possible that Darin was over thinking the problem, but she didn’t think so. These men were not evil, yet they were doing something many people considered bad. They were also doing it extremely close to The Tree. It was a puzzle that the young human desperately wanted to solve. Then again there was a chance that they wouldn’t answer her. She wasn’t that impressive looking by herself and compared to Ridahne she was frankly pathetic. She was just hopping they mistook her for a boy like everyone, but the Elf had done so far. Darin knew that she looked like a boy from a far off even if she did look mostly like a farm boy. She was okay with looking like a farm boy. Talbot came up behind her to push her shoulder with his nose. With out removing her gaze from the two men she reached behind to catch the horse’s nose. She absently stroked Talbot as she waited for her answer. Then again, they might answer. Darin was pretty positive that Ridahne had scared them pretty well. Ridahne’s mere presence seemed to be enough to make them comply at this point. Why they hadn’t just run the first chance they got after being scared was beyond the human’s comprehension. Maybe they were waiting to see if the odds would swing back into their favor. Darin didn’t think they would simply because Ridahne, Ridahne’s animals, and Talbot were now in the same glade together. Darin was well aware of the fact that she was the weak link, but she was positive that she could at least stay out of the way if a fight happened. She could spot at least three trees she could scale in mere moments. These men had to be too big to follow her. She hoped it didn’t turn to a fight. She just wanted answers to her questions. They didn’t seem important, but they were.