[h2]Alkyrieaze von Einzbern[/h2] Their movements--and Alkyrieaze's not so subtle prompting that she wanted to go where you were allowed to [i]touch[/i] the fluffy things--had eventually taken the white-haired pair most of the way around the zoo. Strangely, the longest diversion had not been her own interest in the petting zoo. No, it had been when they had been near some horses. And Altera had stared. And stared some more. Before claiming that it was nothing and moving on. She [i]really[/i] didn't understand that Servant; for the so-called Scourge of God she had such little interest in history. Occasionally a bit [i]too[/i] soft, as well... They were passing by the exhibits when she saw something that made her stare. And stare some more. Alkyrieaze even had to glance back at Altera to make sure that what she was noticing matched up, but there was no doubt about it: the woman in front of her was undoubtedly a Servant. "The subject of a painting would never qualify to be a Heroic Spirit, how is the Mona Lisa walking around?" Best to go for the direct approach. [@1Charak2][@DocRock]