[center][color=c4df9b][u]Dareen Kahina[/u][/color][/center] Dareen looked down at herself as the rain was heated off her cloak. [color=c4df9b]"Oops,"[/color] She said insincerely. She leaned onto the arm of the couch, resting her knuckles into her cheek, staring up at Faeril like an impetulant teenager. Yes, she thought to herself as the Eryien carried on about Protocol. I do know I tend to bring trouble onto those undeserving. She's done it many times in her life time, and it's something she hasn't quite gotten around to fully coming to terms with yet. Still, she hardly had any respect for those who claimed to be deserving of respect just because they were born in some way or another. Protocol was just another tool of the oppressors, whoever they may be. Still, Dareen was interested to find out what was going on here. Whoever these people were, they didn't seem to be friends of the Queen Dorothea. They probably would have demanded money or something, by now. The Pruulish woman wanted to learn more about any opposition there might be. But nobility were usually part of the problem. It was hard not to see everyone in the higher castes as issues. Often they all looked, acted, and talked so similar to each other. The "Reaper" (he most likely chose that name himself, Dareen thought) was being invited out of the room. The Eryien witch switched into her native tongue, and pointed very directly at Dareen. The Pruulish woman responded by gesturing at her own chest and making a surprised face. "Who, me?" Her facial expression said ironically. She made herself more comfortable on the couch as some people cleared out. Whatever it was, it was clear she wasn't invited. What an odd day this turned out to be. Now a little more alone, she re-evaluated her strategy. She was annoyed by the fact she was here against her will. But, still, isn't this where she wanted to be? She wanted answers, didn't she? Questions like: Why was Dareen and her mercenaries sent out to bully and harass seemingly innocent people? What happened to all the Black Widows? Why was there a hidden pit of drea inside Dareen's heart? She'd never really thought about her faith in the establishment, or more rather her lack thereof. Disillusioned in her life choices, the Yellow-Jeweled Witch had set out for answers. Now, here she was. Being tsked tsked at by a woman with perfect hair and perfect nails. Some things never change.