Rohaan enjoyed that joke and openly giggled. He looked over at the lower deck where they were all gathered around a downed Wheel and an absolutely manic Uban. Rohaan hooked a thumb over at them. "But I mean, looks like Uban just did. I think that's the first time anyone ever got him." He seemed to puff out his chest a little as he said, "I probably could but Berlin won't let us really spar. Like, we do with knives and stuff but like, not really for real. He says we're too...vol...volalol? [I]Kikhira.[/I] Like a fire with too much wood." He shrugged and played with the chunks of ice floating in his barrel, dragging them under and watching them pop back to the surface, or squeezing them and watching them shrink. "But like, let's say you did take the warm out of me. Would I be crunchy too? Can people get crunchy?" He thought this idea was fascinating. He didn't know that things could change shape too, just like him. "Can other things get crunchy just from cold?" All his curiosity and playfulness vaporized the moment she held out the soap. His face soured instantly. This stuff smelled better than the usual garbage Berlin made him scrub with, but that didn't necessarily improve his mood at seeing it. What was wrong with sand? Or a smooth stone? Those scrubbed just fine and the skin always felt smooth and clean afterward. He thought soap gave his skin an almost...oily feel. Quickly and with a heavy plop, Rohaan plunged underneath the water and his form changed back into the octopus. He lurked at the bottom, staring up at her with his still blue but oddly shaped eyes, and showed no sign of coming back up. -- Uban was trying to contain himself, but he found the more he used his ability, the more...hyper it made him. That wasn't quite the word. Euphoric? Energized? It was adrenaline in a pure form. He bit his lip to try and hide his grin but it didn't work. As he ran a hand over his tied-back hair, a couple small arcs sprang up at the passing of his hand. "Oh man, I'm sorry mate." He might not have looked sorry, but he was. He honestly hadn't thought it would hit Wheel that hard. Sure, he had the sense not to do that to someone un-cursed, or at least not that strong. But he hadn't been sure what it would actually do or what the limits of his powers really were. He thought he'd known, but Hana had recently challenged his perception and her ideas had pushed him to explore new limits. Just how far could he go? "I mean, I knew I had to try it on you since it wouldn't kill you but like...I didn't know I could do...[I]that.[/I]" Berlin frowned, but there was a twinkle of amusement in his eye. His priority had been to see that everyone was alive and undamaged (mostly) and seeing that done, he could allow himself a little mirth. "I always thought it would be Rheoaan that caught this ship on fire someday, but now I think I have to worry about you..." Uban snorted in laughter. "Hey, c'mon, don't put me up there with the half-pint arsonist...I'm not that bad." Berlin looked him over. "For the sake of science, how are you feeling after that?" Uban beamed at him like he had some truly incredible, amazing news but then said "I'm going to crash in an hour," he said brightly. Berlin gave a dry chuckle. "Right. Keep you out of the rigging today then. Wheel, I think you've earned yourself an extra ration of rum for enduring that."