So what [@Hellion] is urging is essentially an urban supernatural masquerade scenario once again? Color me none surprised and none opposed at that, [@HaleyTheRandom]. I absolutely do second such a thing if that is within reason and of course to your tastes as the forum could do with an outright [i]World of Darkness[/i] topic or at least something very much in keeping with the tenants of it. There are simply not enough dark fantasy pieces, let alone those that edge closer to those tones in the modern era. Continued, if such a thing were brought forward I do believe it would find a fair number of audience and a slightly more reliable set of players than the usual fare; which is a boon for all the reasons one imagines it to be. Regardless of what is decided, I do enjoy the idea of this topic of someone wanting to helm something from a series of collaborative interests, so credit given there as it is due. Even if this is far from the ultimate topic decided for this feline will be lurking about as a hopeful as I have been seeking another topic or two that are lively. It of course helps that the names and voices thus far to appear I would be all the more pleased to play alongside.